

Ask @bella_spalding

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ugh i miss when i was little and my bestfriends were my family and we were all so close and when the babysitter would come and we would play hide and go seek and go fishing and had so much fun.

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Few of your favorite songs right now?

when my cousins went to bed i took the ladders off their bunk beds because the are on the top?

How many 1st cousins do you have?

i'm mad because they told me if i say "everytime i see you i want to kill myself" or anything about killing myself, i would get in trouble. uh.

What stores do you usually go to when you go to the mall? What mall.

usually we go to the outlets and i go to like nike and undue armour and north face and adidas and a lot more

out of all your friends, which dog do you like best. give the name of the dog too?

is this skylar??? but either jackson (skylars) or kasha (maggies) and barkers pretty cool too or however you spell his name @shelbystout_04 and cookie @shabbyjh um that was four but it's all good
Liked by: Shelby


Language: English