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Okay so I got the girl's number; now I know her favorite band's gunna be 12 hours away 3 days before her birthday. Only been talking to her for about a month, month & 1/2 now. How do I get her to be comfortable with me enough to say yes if I wanna buy tickets & take her to see that band?

Okay so I'll start with this question. By talking with her for a month and a half, do you mean dating or just talking? Because if this is being considered your first date, you might be going a bit too overboard. I don't think that the first date should ever be something that big personally (this is coming from someone whose never actually been on one lel) Its a thoughtful and big gift which is good but one thing that I'd possibly warn you about would be that she might feel like you're coming off too strong. If it's only been a month or so, it might be a bit awkward to have such a big gift given to you by a person you haven't really known for that long. But this could just be paranoia setting in from my mind. She might be thrilled. If you want to take the chance, go for it.
As for the comfort level, I'd say bring a couple more people. I know it's more money but in this case, you're better off. Maybe ask her if she wants to invite one of her friends and you can invite one of your friends. That way you will have less of an odd lull in a conversation with other people involved and she'll feel more comfortable knowing that one of her friends is there. Not only that but your friend could possibly talk you up which can also be good. Those are my suggestions to you. Hope they help a bit. :)

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I need some fucking help: There is this girl that I like... but I only see her when she is working & I cannot have a conversation with her while she is working. So my question to you is: how will I ask her how I can talk to her more WITHOUT sounding like a fucking complete creep? Lol.

Well I'm not an expert with this kind of stuff and I could probably take my own advice lel. But my best answer is to make some small conversation while she's working. After some of that, ask her for her number or ask her out sometime. Then you'll be able to talk to her more without her working. It's easier said than done I know but with enough courage, you can do it. And if she's not interested, she might not be the girl for you. I hope this helped.
Liked by: Tahan Matthew

Do you still come on here..?

Not really. I suppose it's quite late to answer to this but whatever. If you're still there after 5 months, cool. The way I see it, you can add her as a friend and if she accepts your request, cool she knows you. But please don't start chatting with her on FB. That's how I got myself fucked up. All I did was chat and then it got creepy. Talk to her in person and only make plans through chat. It makes you seem more sociable and less awkward.

Who would you married Evelyn or belle

Evelyn likes more of the stuff that I like so if I had a choice, probably her. I'm not necessarily thinking of marriage now thank you.

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

Ear or nose. I'm not a huge fan of getting piercings but I wouldn't mind the simple ones.

Favorite bands??????

I like older bands like Maiden and ACDC but I also like newer stuff like Disturbed and System of a Down. I'm into a lot of stuff haha.

Do you believe in God? Or in the bible?

I'm not a Specific religion but I'm not an atheist. I believe in an afterlife.
You kind of have to believe in the Bible. You can hold and buy one so it definitely exists. Whether you believe it or not, that's your choice.
Liked by: emily


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