

Ask @benaben96

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Random Question... What is the worst date you have been on? And why?

i have no....... date anymore wkwkwk

If the world was going to end tomorrow, What is one crazy thing you would do? And Why?

scream loudly beside his ear 'bitchhhhh yoo'

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Single mz. Bukan single. - anon

ih kan pengejaan indonesiaa keleeezzzz. *ngeles...
duh anon nya bongkar mukaa

Hallo kak! Boleh cerita+pap weekdays nya? Msh seperti rutinitas atau ada hal lain yg mungkin lebih berkesan? Happy weekend!

masih sama. ga ada yang beda...
masih singel.... singel yaa bukan jomblo maap, tapi bahagia kok .
btw selamat pagiii hehe
pap ini ajaa ya, lagi sibuk persiapan sidang nih. doakaan yaaaa

what do you feel right now?

know the truth which the dog just places me as its owner. they work as my guardian only.
*the dog means connotation

If you could be a cartoon or fairytale figure for today. Who would you be? And Why?

spongebob. cause his life full of fun and journey. he has best friend, patrick who always stay beside him.
bonus ++ my boyfie haha

What is your favorite season?

every season has story. they have their plus and minus part. baper. wkwk

Language: English