

Ask @bethie2201

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tbh beth tummy (do u get ze pun). classmate, nice person and laughed that time i tried to open the locker (IT WAS DIFFICULT OK) vvvv ass and sleeps in class like i totally don't :-)) all of us is set for failure BC sleeping in pengbae's class OOPS. anyway atb for tests and O levels and life 😄💪🏻😄


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I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave person is not he/she who does not feel afraid, but he/she who conquers that fear. Please be the brave person because you have strength in you and i believe you can do it! Much Love💜


You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go, what to do and what you want! You own your life, no anybody else! Much love💜


we all want to help one another. Human beings are like that we want to live by each other's happiness and not by each other's misery! i ask of you to be there for anyone whom you know who's facing a rough time. a simple text, a warm hug, its the thought that counts not what you do! Much love💜

Yea you must be the happy Elsa again alright!!!!! He's in a better place and you'll definitely meet him again in heaven:D smile✨

today, I want to share a story. Monday, i flew to Taiwan happily. Yesterday my uncle passed away due to cancer. the doctor said that he had 6 months but he just left all of a sudden. what i want to say is that we normally neglect family for friends. keep friends close but family even closer!💜

Don't be sad Elsa !!!!!! Smileeeee😊😊😊😊

you have the choice of being as happy as you ever want or as sad as you want alrights! the choice is yours and you control your life instead of letting it control you. you decide on what you really want to do and what you want to feel like the whole day! take care and much love for you!good luck🍀💜

Liked by: dione hannah

you're still a work in progress. you're still under construction. whichever mistakes you make today, you pray and you learn and grow from it. it might happen time after time after time but know something. never ever have the thought of giving up, hold on, press on and you'll get it. much love💜


people too often forget something before they judge you. they forgot that it is your own choice on how you want to spend the rest of your life and that they have no say in it. its your life you live, your memories you create and the pain you feel. stay strong! good luck, stay smiling and much love💜


Never expect. Never assume. Never ask. And never demand. Just let it be because if it is meant to be, it will happen even without you wanting it to me! all things are possible for those who believe! stay strong, have patience and you'll get what you want sooner or later! have a great sunday!💜


its true that everybody is weird. we should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarassed or ashamed of it because your true self is the real you. create your individuality and be proud of it because its individual for a reason, its yours , only yours and nobody can take it from you!💜


Negativity might knock on your door time after time but it doesn't mean you have to let it in. If you realised, being negative helps nothing while being positive helps nearly everything. Remove the negative thoughts from your mind and help improve you situation. so why not think positively?💜


hello people! so i know that this season is the exam season and like its a really crappy period but for those that starts their exams today i just want to wish you like good luck×10 and just hold on because its like just 2 more weeks ish okay. i know but its stressful but just hold on it'll pass!💜

Late but thankyou 🙆🏼

we will all have worries, doubts or even trust issues when something has betrayed or hurt us, but it doesn't mean that its the end of the world! throw all those issues, worries, problems, and doubts away and replace them with faith and trust. i promise you that things WILL get better. Much love💜


A day will not always end 100% good and all, it tends to always have a little troubles and sad parts here and there but why keep fretting about the day's troubles?forget about your whole day's troubles but remember each and everyone of the sweet moments you've had alongside the blessings and smile💜

Liked by: Samuel.Tham

Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do us Happiness!We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have. But rather, it is the result of us recognising and appreciating what we actually so have around us.Love yourself because you're all you have💜


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