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Nguyên gốc nghĩa của từ đó là "anh đẹp trai", hiện nay các cô gái trẻ hay dùng để chỉ đối tượng khác giới hoàn mỹ, một số hay dùng để gọi đối tượng yêu đương trong mơ.
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Latest answers from mai

What books do you plan to read?

Death's End and Invisible Planets, definitely. The Greg Mandel trilogy, the Witcher series. Orbital Cloud. Cosmicomics. Plus a dozen other titles ( ; v ; ). Please grant me the will to live so I can read them all...

What's the longest you've gone without accessing the internet?

One month. My laptop broke and I had no smartphone. I listened to music and read books all day. Did nothing productive. This is why I don't try to quit social media and the internet. I knew I was hopeless either way. LOL.

Nếu bạn có thể sở hữu một vật nuôi rất đáng yêu, bạn sẽ chọn vật nuôi nào?

Cây mèo. Con mèo cây. Giống mèo nhưng mà mọc như cây trong chậu. Cử động (trong chậu) được. Nở hoa được...

cho mình hỏi địa chỉ của bạn đc ko vậy ((: chỉ tỉnh thành thôi cũng đc

Mình công khai trên tất cả các mạng xã hội mà :)) Sydney ⇔ Sài Gòn ha.

Urghh tell me about it, i haven't graduate yet. Still waiting for my Kami-sama to accept me just so i can let my ears and tail out freely while trying to lick his/her face lol. Anw, i won't get close to you (you won't let me tho), so you don't have to warn me or trying to be meaner okay?

Told ya Im trash lol

Who won't gossip anw? Even i gossip about my dogs like whenever i have a chance (jk tho). I saw you comforted lots of ppl who thought they won't fit Lolita fashion on Tumblr. Even i too, felt touched reading those comments. You're a GOOD person, in aspects you never care to have insights into.

When did I ever do that...
I graduated from being a dog a couple of years ago, now whenever I slip and my tail and ears show in front of anyone, I roundhouse kick the person in their face and shoot them twice just in case.

Nvm cause MĐAT could be pretty nice to anyone but loosers like me anw ???.

But you know I'm horrible to everyone and are probably joining in on the gossips over tea and cakes, where my name gets mentioned sarcastically maybe once.

How so? Im invincible atm. And tbh i'm not that "lovely nice". i just worry about you.

Ah then don't worry, I'm always fine haha. If there's nothing else you believe in in the world, believe in me always being fine. Go eliminate human tyranny instead, invincible deity.

You're definitely not trash. You're just too good for this planet that it's out of common sense. This planet is already full of trashes and it stinks. Be a trash somewhere else, it might even better.

This is a sign that you don't know me well cause I'm definitely trash.
I also destroy lovely nice people like you as a hobby, don't get close to me.

I really admire the way you describe your own state of mind and ideas. I would really like to have a long talk with you someday, just about anything really, well I don't know where to start. Maybe this is a good beginning, what do you think of youth. Do you believe in a perpetual adolescence?

Are you sure you got the right askfm profile because my online presence is limited to 'dis food so gud' 'NEED DAT DRESS' 'handsome dudes i ship dem' 'cute young girls im drooling' one-liners. And I'm worse offline, so.
I hope you don't mind me answering your question anyway lol. The way most people talk about youth, I think it's safe to define it as the period of time when one is healthy enough (both physically and mentally) to enjoy life. The accelerating progress of science and increasing focus on welfare and equality of postmodern age means that youth is prolonged, factors such as age or disability matter less and less in the pursuit of happiness. Have you ever been to a leprosy asylum? There live the last true victims of the disease, those who contracted it just a couple of years before the cure was invented. They are severely disabled (both mentally and physically), their family and friends have long abandoned them. Many have lost more than one of their limbs and they spend all their time being tied up so they don't harm themselves, or scratch themselves to death. They have lived through their 20's, 30's, 40's and beyond, but do you think they have had any youth at all?
To end this with a positive note, I do believe in perpetual adolescence. I do not think my own parents have ever grown out of it.

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