
Brian Patrick Davis

Could you give me some advice about being a woman going into the entertainment business. I know you are a male, but you seem to be well-rounded and know a lot about that field. Thank you!

don't ho around with niggas in the industry is the best advice I can give you as a woman.
it's a male dominated industry at this point and it's hard for women to break in and be taken seriously other than some guy's jump off. this isn't to generalize women in the industry, but a lot of men view women in the industry as though a man had to put them on and give them their position, and that's not fair.
so just stay true to your core values, and integrity and work really hard.

Latest answers from Brian Patrick Davis

starbucks drink?

depends. I switch up between green tea lemonade with peach or mango, white chocolate mochas, iced or hot chai tea latte, iced caramel macchiatos, or green tea frappucinos. or a caramel frap with extra caramel. 😂 I go to starbucks way too much.

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