
Brian Patrick Davis

Do you know any famous black men on the low besides Frank O?

I don't know that frank ocean is "on the low." I honestly don't even think the man is gay; he never said he was.
but I don't know if I'd call them "famous." I don't really consider athletes that aren't in the limelight famous, but there are tons of athletes that like men. also, there are lot of producers who are interested in men as well, but putting their business out there isn't really my place! there are plenty out there though. I've met a couple.

Latest answers from Brian Patrick Davis

starbucks drink?

depends. I switch up between green tea lemonade with peach or mango, white chocolate mochas, iced or hot chai tea latte, iced caramel macchiatos, or green tea frappucinos. or a caramel frap with extra caramel. 😂 I go to starbucks way too much.

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