
Blue roses

Ask @bluerainbowrose

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Im so sad my english language is not good to much. My english paper always get E or fail. Im understand what other people say but im can't to say or write back. So im just try and try to learn more even bad. U gais can see how im write this hm. Please dont judge me ? im not clever like others

Jgn meratap tanpa usaha. Kalau eng kelemahan awk then beljarlah. Find a way. Tgk movie, lyn english song, hari2 try speaking. Dont give up.

Betul ke orang yg fail bi ni dianggap tidak pandai? Even subject yg lain dia boleh target. Even i dont like english subject when im study in diploma my all note in english language. Ni myebabkan hard to me utk belajar. But today alhamdulillah smua result aku lulus. Sedih jugak cuma lulus je hm

Find a way to memorize. Or maybe awk blh ambik kls eng . Belajar dri awl semula.

Nak sambung degree. Tapi aku fikir kesukaran aku dalam bahasa english. Macam mana nak belajar kalau mcm tu. Hm last last terbiar mcm tu je niat aku..

Benda boleh belajar buat apa give up?

You will get what is written for you. No one can take that from you. So, don't stress yourself.

But still, we have to fight for wht we want.

Aku ada kenal satu lelaki ni, tak hbs² chat aku.aku da direct bgtau jgn chat aku lg. Td bila dia chat lg aku bls "siapa ni?" .Trus senyap??.


Hai gais. Nak tny something.my fren kena ugut dgn sorang laki (he said nak leak gambar naked kwn i) .what is she supposed to do? I dont know how to help her as well

How laki tu ade gmba naked dia? Report polis jelah.

Sometimes I just don't know who I am and what I want. And sometimes I wonder what is my real goals and the aim of my life ?

I think everyone will think the same at least once
Liked by: ronaldobarus

Who not into "social instagram trend" or that depression type of love. And date in the car in midnight and eat mcd and take photos. This is not love this is lust. And that person just "...." and said to that person again. Depression is not attractive if ur not in one. Be you. & he/she just there

how do u know it gonna be depress if u never try with him/her?
+1 answer in: “There a person confessed to me. And i say no.She/he ask why. And i said. Cause i know how it gonna be ur love way. U gonna do that insta relationship goal couple. Date in the car. And the person ask, "then what type of person u want me to be. I try to win ur heart". I said i want a realistic parner.”


Language: English