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Latest answers from Brianna

What's the largest amount of money you've ever lost?

Zero Because I save and keep my money in a safe place

Your so beautiful! Perfect! I wish I was pretty like you.

Awwwwwww Thank you! But I think you are gorgeous/beautiful too! Every Girl is beautiful no matter what and You know? If people say you are ugly just say you know what you ugly too so leave me alone and stfu! But Toria you are beautiful no matter what

you are really really beautiful. how old are you if you dont mind me asking?

Awwww thxs and Im 15 hby?

Hey you're so beautiful❤️ Keep fighting through the bullshit. You can do it. Stay strong bb! If you need to talk I'm here

starbuckslovers1990’s Profile PhotoBrilyn
Awwwww thxs sweetie!<3 Ly

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