
Deon Heng

I emailed to service@theeditorsmarket.com about 1/2 weeks ago with my resume haha! I applied for part time position however I can work like almost everyday!! Their part time position only need to work over the weekends? Sorry for the many questions!!

Try applying at this website instead! http://hulaandco.net/apply/ Yup! Part time positions are for solely for weekends only hahaha. Nope it's fine! :)

Latest answers from Deon Heng

I had a cup of coffee with latte art so beautiful, it spells Deon all over it

Aww ....can't insert any iPhone emojis so (shy emoji)

You're like a Sakura flower in bloom. So beautiful and captivating.

You're like my econs lecturer, leaving me speechless all the time. (I tried hahahahah)

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