

Latest answers from Bri

You know it's me ?¿?

Got a Mother’s Day gift for C’s mom hopefully C gives it to her tomorrow when I FaceTime him and I intend to tell his mom “Your favorite had to get you a gift simply because you accept me into your house every time I visit with C and because you treat me like I’m your own child”

craziest thing a ex did to you? mine was beat the living shit out of me cause i caught him cheating hehe and the cherry on top…keyed my brand new car🥲 that hurt more than the ass whooping doe.

momma2be2004’s Profile PhotoVada
One of mine broke up with me because the girl he wanted for years finally wanted him then the girl he got with texted me telling me to end my life and he even told her she could say it because he didn’t care if I live or died but he still wanted to be with me while saying that(I ended up in a mental hospital for that) and about a day after they got together she left him for someone else

This is CHEATING‼️ 1. Texting someone secretly is considered cheating.2. Hiding your browsing history from your partner is considered cheating.3. Giving special attention to someone else is considered cheating.4. Adding random attractive strangers on social media is considered cheating.

I followed a cute Japanese dude on social media yesterday i don’t talk to him or anything i just thought the content he makes is cool does that mean I’m cheating on my boyfriends? I give attention to two guys both I’m dating does that mean on cheating because it’s an open relationship? Get a fckn grip bro like go touch grass stop being controlling and toxic

What, exactly, is wrong with dating a cousin?

The fact you have to ask what’s wrong with incest proves how unintelligent you really are

Language: English