

Ask @brynnxox

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you're so fucking beautiful. you make me happy and I don't know you.. sadly. but honestly you're beautiful and I can tell you're an amazing person.

Awe your so sweet, you could know me (: my social medias are in my bio.
Liked by: Brendan Everson

why do you use ask if you get hate? like why not just delete it.. its not doing good for your happines. js.

I am happy. The hate honestly doesn't bother me, I explained that in my last awnser.
Liked by: Brendan Everson

you look like a troll

When are assholes like you gonna figure out that this hate doesn't bother me, I've heard all these things before. Your literally just repeating things I've already heard and making yourself look stupid. Do you ever think about the shit you say before you send it out? I am who I am, sorry I can't be perfect for you standards. I am not the prettiest, I am insecure, I'm not the skinniest, but I'm me. I'm learning to love me everyday. But you, you are some pathetic person, dragging people down behind a computer or phone screen because you are just as insecure. We all have our flaws, we are all uniwue and this society is fucked up for not seeing how beautiful everyone is. Calling people fat, ugly, etc wont help anything. If you dont like how I look, or how much I weight block me, unfollow, unfriend. Whatever, but get out of my face for my flaws when you have your own life to deal with. Thank you.

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Liked by: Brendan Everson


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