
Brytni Smith

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50 facts?

1. my full name is Brytni Lynne Smith.
2. my birthday is November 3, 2000.
3. I have 3 siblings (Kali, Colin, Heidi).
4. I have 2 dogs (Snickers, Bailey).
5. I just moved into a new house.
6. this was my 8th time moving.
7. I have too many friends to count.
8. I have 3 classes with my bestfriend.
9. my room is scary.
10. my favorite color is pink!
11. I was born in Oklahoma.
12. I moved to Kansas is 3rd grade.
13. me and my cousin have the same birthday.
14. I'm almost 13.
15. my old best friend moved away.
16. I hate school.
17. I'm single
18. I straighten my hair every single day.
19. I wear make up.
20. I don't take as many selfies as most people.
21. my favorite season is Summer.
22. I love watching scary movies.
23. I'm in 7th grade.
24. I go to church.
25. I love my youth group.
26. I'm not really a good girl.
27. I have an attitude...
28. My favorite food is Crab(:
29. I have a hugeeeeeee crushhh!
30. I don't have a phone yet.
31. I hate my family sometimes.
32. I get bullied a lot.
33. I'm to scared to self harm.
34. some of my friends do.
35. I'm a virgin.
36. most guys are stupid.
37. I've had my first kiss.
38. I'm so bored so text me.
39. I need to unpack my house.
40. my room is big.
41. I wanna see my grandpa.
42. I missed my family reunion on Saturday.
43. I miss my cousins.
44. my grandpa might die soon.
45. I'm spoiled.
46. I love shopping.
47. Melissa and Melanie are my 8th graders.(:
48. I'm texting Mary.
49. I miss my best friend.
50. I'm finally done!

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Liked by: Mary Petrosyan

Mary Petrosyan?

she's my best friend! we're hanging out tomorrow! I love her so freaking much! 3 classes swaggg> we can be loners together(: hahaha well I miss you. you're freaking gorgeous! I'm jealous of you! dat ass doe>(; hahaha ilysmbb! text me now hoe(;
Liked by: Mary Petrosyan

megan hanson?

5th hour> hahaha I love her. she's gorgeous. we need to hangout again. lake> I miss her! my fan kicks are pretty sexy(; hahaha you're so funny. ily❤
Liked by: megan hanson

who do you miss?

my grandpa. I'm scared I'm going to lose him. he's everything to me. he's having another stroke. he's going to the doctor soon. who knows what's gonna happen to him. but I haven't seen him in like 5 months. it's seems like 10 years. he can't talk, walk, hear. I honestly wish I could live with him. I love you Grandpa❤

Do you consider yourself a creative person?

Liked by: Miah Batrez


Language: English