

Ask @bunnycomb

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But if someone is in a position of power due to their hard work and efforts, would it be their obligation to sacrifice what they've earned and help those in need, even if those people are in their situation due to their own laziness?

idk from my perspective that's a bit oversimplified o: to be fair my answer was too. there are different levels of helping others, i don't feel that you really need to sacrifice what you've earned to help someone. that decision really falls on you on a personal level. i as an individual would want to help those in need o: and i think that people elected into offices have a civic duty to help those in need, even if it requires a shuffling of the budget or something. i don't believe that people end up in poor position "due to their own laziness", often that attitude has some pretty racist connotations /:

Do you think it's the duty of the strong to help the weak? Are they obligated to sacrifice their benefits for those who can't obtain the same?

honestly i'm not very into the whole atlas shrugged attitude. i love helping others, it makes me happy to make others happy if i'm able to. we're all human beans y'know ♥

ever find it odd to refer to people as "fans" or as a "community"?

personally i'm not really a fan of "fans" (hehe), but i like community because it implies a sense of togetherness

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Do you want your stream to continue to grow indefinitely? Or do you think a large number of viewers would be too overwhelming?

honestly even now sometimes i get overwhelmed! but i think it's something that you get better at in time. it does make me sad to miss parts of chat ;w; despite this, i'd love to see my community grow more! ♥ i love meeting all of you incredible people and getting to know you!

If you could pick one game to be really good at, what would you pick?

i think it'd be really fun to be really good at any game tbh (Kappa) but i think the most fun games to be good at would be a tie between smash and overwatch!

I just wanted to let you know that I really love you and am proud of how far you've come!!! And since I have to ask a question...what's the scariest game you've EVER played?

omg you're a sweetheart, thank you so so much! hmmm... the first portion of soma gave me some serious irl anxiety. honestly ethan carter is scaring me a lot! i haven't played too many horror games, i prefer watching most of the time (੭ु´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ु⁾⁾

Do you believe in love at first sight?

idk, i've never experienced it but i don't think that necessarily means that it can't exist

Do you think everyone has a chance at finding their "soulmate"? Or are some people truly destined to be alone?

i don't really believe in soulmates, and i don't think that being alone is necessarily bad!

What's a random talent or skill that you wish you could be good at but will probably never pursue?

drawing or makeup! i have very shaky hands

Would you rather be the best in a group and bear the pressure for leading them to success? Or would you rather be the worst in the group and bear the pressure of trying to keep up with everyone else?

probably the worst, i'm not a great leader and keeping up would add to my motivation to want to better myself! i used to be bronze in league, and all of my friends were at least plat. in playing with them, even though it was for fun, i feel like i learned and improved a lot from it!

Do you dislike self-deprecating humor?

it depends on my mood, but i'm generally trying to get away from it unless it comes from a place of positivity c:

If someone didn't have the chance to learn something, was it their own responsibility to go educate themselves about it?

i think that we should all strive to educate ourselves to the best of our abilities. the problem is that there's so much knowledge out there that it can be difficult to take it all in on our own. however, if someone attempts to educate you and you completely close yourself off from their knowledge, you are at fault.

Do you think ignorance can ever be used as an excuse?

it depends on the context i think o: but generally not. can you give an example if it's not too much trouble o:

Do you think depression is something that's destined to be a lifetime struggle once you've experienced it? Or do you think it can be completely overcome?

i'm not really sure! i think depression/anxiety definitely differ and manifest themselves differently in each person that struggles with them. from my own experience, i haven't really found a therapist i gel with well and i don't respond positively to medication, so i try my best to cope in other healthy ways. i feel like i can't imagine life without it, but that doesn't mean that i have to have some horrible existence ya know? it's just a part of who i am, and everyone has negative things that are a part of who they are. i do think people are ignorant/naive/insensitive to tell people who suffer from depression to "just get over it life is hard for us all" or some variation of "be happy" especially if they don't suffer from them. but even if they do suffer from them, we don't all suffer in the same way.

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Is it ever acceptable to give up on helping someone? If so, how do you determine when it becomes ok?

ooo. as much as i want to help everyone and make them happy, i do think that there comes a point where i am unable to do anything for them. i don't think it's my place to give a hard answer, because the answer for me personally is a case by case basis. it's a complex question ^-^

How do you normally vent out your anger/frustrations?

i don't really get angry a lot o: but i usually channel negative feelings through creative outlets that are non-destructive (knitting, cooking, my stream, photoshop, ect) or by doing something physical (working out/running/yoga/kickboxing)

How do you feel when people apologize for missing your stream?

i don't mind it o: it makes me happy that people enjoy my streams that much, but there's no need for apologies! i know that people have other obligations and i support u all c:

But how do you do it without letting them affect your own mental/emotional state? I've had a lot of my own nights ruined when trying to help my friends because I feel like I'm not allowed to be happy while they're struggling so much.

oh yes that's a good point :c this isn't very good advice tbh LOL because your feelings are valid and your mental state is important but personally i just kinda let it happen ;w; i struggle with depression regardless so i feel like listening to my friend and lettin them be heard is more important than my own mental state but that's not good advice at all i'm sorry! try your hardest to be there for your friend, but also let them know how it can affect you. but that's a tricky situation because you don't want them to feel even worse.
even when your friends are struggling you're allowed to be happy! and you can also try to use your happiness to their advantage as well. if they are dwelling on sad things, try to spin the conversation into being about something that will make them feel happier o: i wish you luck my friend!

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How do you help your friends who are depressed without letting them bring you down too?

i also struggle with depression so i try to be as understanding as possible, but of course everyone's experience is different. i just do my best to be available for them and not dismissive and try to be positive/uplifting in a way that won't annoy them or make them feel bad haha ^-^" i just do my best to help and be their friend!

Are there any sports that you like to play and/or watch?

i like playing lacrosse and volleyball and i'm a pretty big hockey fan ^-^

What are some of your pet peeves?

willful ignorance, sexism/racism/transphobia/homophobia, when ppl scrape their silverware on plates when they eat

When you're feeling down or lonely, what do you do to help yourself feel better?

make food, listen to a podcast, pokemon hunt with friends c:

How many of your viewers would you be willing to meet in person if they went to visit your area?

tbh i wouldn't be comfortable doing one on one meetups :c but meeting at cons i would be very down for :D


Language: English