
buthina abdallah :)

Ask @buthinaabdallah

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look I am not lookin for trouble or problems or whatever I was just messing around, OK?

ok but who r u ?

does or mom know wet u do at school? (that is exactly what I mean by lying)

skiping classes , GO GET A LIFE NIGGA like she never did it or u didnt

why do u think or cool?

coz I know iam :ppp how can I answer this no one thinks he or she is cool idk its complicated

who are you, you have different personalities with different people, thats not cool

no actually iam the same person :/ with everyone but ppl wont stop judging

why do u lie to or mum its really 7aram 3lek? she thinks that u r very innocent while or not

well u are not that innocent too 7bibti stop acting like ur not u r the soo fake and not a good friend wa bit7ibi t3mli mashakil min maff , wa have the guts and tell me who r u , both of u coz I know u

why do you lie?

I lied in .... btw I know who is this if thats what u think of me well its ur opinion go to ppl who are true or U THINK r true .


Language: English