
ig: cahyadwip

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Sama-sama sayang tapi keluarga sama-sama gk ngedukung. Itu rasanyaaaa ??

fajarputrisilviyani’s Profile PhotoPutri
pen bunuh diri ga sih? but serahin aja sama yg diatas kalo jodoh apapun pasti bisa di lakukan :)
Liked by: Putri

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Recomend film terbaru genre thriller atau horor dong yg bagus, gak terbaru jg gpp yg pnting recommended deh ? :)

windytriastuti’s Profile PhotoPemakan Nasi
sorry non kebetulan aku gasuka film thriller atau horror wkw tp coba aja liat annabelle dkk hehe

Kamu itu tipe cewe yang kalo lagi suka sama seseorang bakalan dipendem, diungkapin, atau cuma modus modus sambil nunggu doi peka sendiri?

nggak modus tapi nunggu biar doi peka sendiri, biar peka sama hatinya sendiri :)

Why love is hard to be understand?

Falling in love isn’t hard at all. It’s the getting back up after your heart has been smashed into a million tiny pieces that’s so brutal.
In reality, falling in love with someone can happen naturally and effortlessly. It typically doesn’t go down like Family Matters, with Steve Urkel aggressively pursuing Laura for years before finally forcing an unlikely love to exist. In real life it often happens before we even have a chance to realize we’re vulnerable. If you’re a guarded person, surely you’re well aware when there’s been a security breach in the heavily protected area known as your feelings. Alarms are ringing and you’re proceeding with all of the caution, because all you can remember is how helpless you felt after the previous heartbreak. Once you know what a broken heart feels like, it’s never easy to give another person the power to put you through that same, excruciating experience.

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Mendingan gendut jomblo tapi karir dan pendidikan bagus atau cantik body goals tapi gak mau kerja dan tidak berpendidikan?

mendingan be yourself aja dan memperbaiki diri biar lebih baik lagi^^

Tebak2an. Kalo ga bisa jwb bagi kontaknya ya. Hewan apa yg paling galau? 1 2 3 Tett... waktu habis Jwabannya: beruang. Beruang kali ~ aku mencoba~ untuk teruss mengalahh~~ :((

ari_katok’s Profile Photokatok

Ada yg tau ga, produk the body shop yg gak bikin minyak makin parah? Cape sama dokter kulit ?

wuuuhuuu dek cans aku gapernah pake the body shop yg buat wajah sih aku prefer pake yg buat hand ajaaa e jd belum tau :p


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