
caleb maggard

Ask @calebg6

Do you trust your government?

f*** no the NSA is all over the place I do not trust America worth s***

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What are the best holidays you have ever had in your life?

well 911 is my birthday so I guess we can cut that out but other than that I'd say it's Christmas everyone is fun and happy and willing to give back

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?

creative writing is fun and all but I know I could ever published a book let alone a short story

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

throwing a yoyo is the best way to waste time there's nothing like picking up a yoyo and just having a blast

What makes you strong?

I mean muscles are pretty good answer but anything I guess to be my dad he's always been there

Do you believe in fate?

fate is a sketchy subject I believe in Karma but yet I still don't believe that something could decide where you in life I feel like anyone can change and put their life is a better path

What role does television play in your life and the life of your family?

it can be the devil yet it could be a place where everyone can sit down and relax and just have fun

Language: English