
Callie Braswell

Why did you have to say horrible things about the girl riding in your YouTube live stream? How hypocritical. You always say "if you're not my trainer don't say anything about my riding." Obviously you have NO room to speak because even with the draw reins or whatever they are on he still bucks:)

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ "Horrible things", really? I commented on how I don't think it's right to jump a horse in draw reins. Never once commented on Lee's riding or abilities. Simply said, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill & trying to create drama.. But my dear, because you're on anon I don't take anything you say seriously, anyway. Never have I blatantly said "if you're not my trainer don't judge my riding." I HAVE said that I have a trainer, so I don't need the critique. But anyway, I'm not going to take away my feelings about draw reins over horses that are jumping (especially when the jumps are 3'3-3'6"). That restricts the horses shoulder so much and could cause a serious injury to the horse and it's rider. Plus it's just flat out cruel and is known as a "quick fix", which in the end it's easier just to go through all the training without the gizmos. Because once the "quick fix" stops working, you'll have to go back to square one anyways. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
Liked by: Tori Zak
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Latest answers from Callie Braswell

Oh my gosh I would love to. He's adorable! Does he have a name?

We haven't decided on one yet, I really like Benji or Bandit!

Somebody posted on that other girl's ask.fm that you're asking yourself these questions... Just wanted to let you know not everybody thinks this.

Thank you I appreciate it!

Umm I hate to break it to you but I might have to come and steal your new kitten. Sorry.

Hahahahah come play with him!!

Therese is soooo funny trying to talk about you when she knows nothing. Keep shining girl!

Thank you I totally agree and really appreciate it!

What horse show are you going to this weekend?

You'll see in my next YouTube video πŸ˜‰

So what do you think about Therese and Maryam being friends since you don't like Therese and you're both friends with Maryam

I'm lucky to have Maryam as a friend 😊

Plans for the weekend? (equine related or not).

Going to a recognized horse show with my team!

I love Brew and all but Maddy is by far my favorite! :) Glad you've given her such a great home

Thank you so so much! it was honestly one of the best things I've ever done!

Pap weirdest / biggest scar that you have? How did you get it?

I have a scar on my nose from when my brother knocked over a play pen rack when we were about 2 or 3 years old and it cut my nose wide open πŸ˜›

Language: English