
Callie Braswell

Ask @calliebraswell

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What made you choose Brew when you were looking at horses to buy?

His bloodlines had one of my favorite horse's bloodlines in them & he was everything I wanted to first time I tried him. ❤️

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Why did you sell sunshine? Full story please

I've literally posted this numerous times, on every social media platform I have.

You rode Paddy bareback and you looked greeaatt how did it feel?

Hahahaha thank you!! He's awesome!! He's a tub tub 🙎🏽

how long should my show coat be? i bought the TS one and it fits everywhere but i think it's a little long for me... what do i do??

it should end at about right where your hips start. if you're not doing any A rated shows or recognized events you'll be fine!

Okay thank you:) Any other tips for riding a thoroughbred in general?

Stay calm. Don't get frustrated. Consistency is key. Remember they're learning an entire new discipline that is completely opposite from racing. They still have the go go go mentality. Be patient. ❤️
Liked by: Bridget ♥ Tori Zak

why did you post only the beggining of your riding rawa? will you post the rest of it later? i would like to watch all of them

What? Full video is on YouTube - I think you may have watched it before it was all the way done uploading! :)

tips for de-spooking your horse?

Literally just get the scariest crap you can find, put it/hang it in an arena. Walk your horse through first and build their confidence. Then ride through the spooky objects.
Liked by: Tori Zak

🍩Controversy Question Tuesday!!🍩 - What kind of feed does your horse(s) get and how much?

Nutrena Pro Fuel and 4 lbs a day (he was on another feed and got 10 lbs a day but this feed is way more fattening). Plus a lot of supplements!

What bra size are you? Not trying to be a pervert of anything but I'm in 7th grade and I want to know if my boobs are a "normal" size.

98 ZZ
Liked by: Katie MSS

Ehhhh I think I've fallen on my head enough that there is nothing left to protect 😂😂😂 stay safe kids

jjshustaaaaa’s Profile Photojaneypaineyy
LMAO 😂😂😂😂👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

Tips for when your thoroughbred starts to get "hot headed" ? and is Brew crazy on XC? Tips for that too :-)

Hahaha yes he is. Just try to relax and stay calm. Stay confident, sit up tall and if you're at a show and you feel really uncomfortable just pull him up. It's not worth the risk and your safety (as well as his!) Hopefully you have a trainer to help you with this :)

This is gonna sound really random... But u feel like scull caps make my head look tiny 😂😂😂😂

jjshustaaaaa’s Profile Photojaneypaineyy
eh it's KK! as long as it's protecting you that's all that matters!
Liked by: Tori Zak

What is the best half pad?

I personally love Thinline. I can't answer this 100% because I haven't tried every half pad on the planet so it's really out of my expertise.


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