

How to start chat with a totally random girl in uni? Suggestions please

(I am so done with sarcastic answers for such questions now so today I shall be serious, lucky you)
-Ask her what music she's listening to on her headphones
-Ask her if she can help you with some question or assignment you don't get
-Ask her if she's related to *insert random name* coz she looks so much like *that random person*
-Ask her if you can help her with that load of books she's carrying or whatever else
*the following assumptions were made:
. by chat you do not mean internet chat but a real life conversation between two mature individuals
. by random girl in uni you do not mean hitting on that "bachi" and bragging about it later coz that is low
. by wanting to interact with her you are not by any means turning into an undignified non-gentleman
. by all this you intend only to befriend a good person and nothing badtameez, creepy or pindi-boyzez-type
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Language: English