
Camila Mutiara S.

Ask @camilamutiara

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What was your personal highlight for each months in 2015?

•Jan: joined the bipolar hip replacement surgery with dr.Chilmy,SpOT.
•Feb: my sis's engagement & i went to madura with my hs friend.
•March: had my 20th birthday blast.
•April: went to madura just for sinjay with my friends & suddenly the tire got broken.. so we stopped a policeman and asked him to jack up the car to replace the flat tire lol
•May: closing of dekan cup
•June: soc service with pd2013
•July: eid mubarak & went to scnm with my cousins
•August: went to gili labak & taman safari. and also joined on my sis's prewed photoshoot haha.
•Sept: hmm, nothing special..
•Oct: my sis's wedding.
•Nov: exams exams exams, lanudal & basarnas w/ my uni friends. oh and i also had the opportunity to interview dr.Arwin Astha Triyono :)
•Dec: family's trip to Lombok.

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Kak planing buat percintaan di 2016 gimana?

Planning: #CamTaken2016 tidak berakhir semu seperti #CamTaken2015 lol jk.

Apa yang menarik ttg 2015 kalian?

Di 2015 kakak cewek satu2nya menikah.. Rasanya kayak losing my other half gt haha lebay si tp emg gt yg aku rasain pas awal2..
Di 2015 bisa liburan bareng sekeluarga, bener2 sekeluarga, yg udah jarang dan susah bgt buat dilakuin..
Di 2015 aku kyk ngerti mana temen yg bener2 bisa buat lebih deket dan temen yg cukup buat sekedar kenal..
Di 2015 aku belajar buat ngalah sama sodara sendiri, since i'm a selfish girl (yes aku sadar kok) itu kyk tumben2an bgt aku mau.
Ahh banyak dehh

What is your biggest turnoff toward the opposite sex beside being bad and other related traits?

banyak yg bikin aku ilfeel sampe bingung milih yg paling parah mana :))
3 boleh ya:
•anak medsos bgt.
•hobi ngelike foto cewek di ig (aplg yg bkn foto terbaru) trs lgsg difollow pdhl ga kenal & si cewek tuh bkn artis.. big no sih ini.
•hobi selfie, yg literally selfie loh bkn foto yg difotoin orang lain.

Apa sih kenakalan atau memori yg paling kamu ingat sama guru sma kalian?

Dulu dimarahin sm guru agama karena...ah sudahlah :"))

What is the biggest lesson you've got from your experience of human interaction?

Udah mainstream sih ini:
Jangan terlalu percaya sama orang lain, siapapun & dalam hal apapun itu.
Liked by: dinda savira

Disini tempatnya kamu buat cari style terbaru, harganya affordable dan pas dikantong kamu. Flappy_id http://line.me/ti/p/%40xuk4728j Jual macam2 model kerudung mulai dari Ima scarf, satin cavali, satin velvet (pasmina,segi4), segi4 saudia,jilbab

Ini jualannya Safput ya? Nih nih 👆🏽😌

Kak Cam, ga pengen beli suami online? Pilihannya menarik lho

Buset lg pusing mikirin UAS malah dpt quest ginian, mayan menghibur sih wk.
Ya terus ntar ijab qabulnya lewat chat & maharnya dikirim pake JNE gitu ya
Yakali. Meskipun saya jomblo tp ga se-ngenes itu kok mb/mas :(

linemu yg foto pake seragam ?

Hmm bukan, itu line lama kayaknya haha line jaman menyedihkan 😅
Line yg skrg aku private, ada apa ya

Kindly take your time to find a song/songs that best describe you. What song it is?

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tnrJL-FSkVocamilamutiara’s Video 133020793082 tnrJL-FSkVocamilamutiara’s Video 133020793082 tnrJL-FSkVo
She would always tell herself she could do this
She would use no help it would be just fine
But when it got hard she would lose her focus
So take my hand and we'll be alright
And she knew that she would be okay,
So she didn't let it get in her way,
Sometimes it all gets a little too much,
But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don't have to be afraid, because we're all the same,
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much


Language: English