
Camille Lund

Ask @camillelund

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If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you do with it?

sleep or hang out with nick

What's the worst thing you have ever done?

either lied about my feelings towards someone. or hurt someone i love out of anger/revenge. or just by plain being selfish

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

lol what if someone said their virginity. missed opportunities.

Are antismoking ads effective?

no. people are aware cigarettes are harmful, they just don't give a fuck

What role does television play in your life and the life of your family?

not very impacting. i only watch like 2 shows, otherwise im a hard core movie fan.

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

be there for them. help in any way i can. try and make them laugh, get there mind off of whatevers making them down

You really love Andrew.. Despite what anyone say just know your doing a really good thing by being there for him

i really do, despite what my head tells me and better judgment. he's trying to change his whole life style, he needs me. thank you, that actually really means alot.

What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?

what's your name? how old are you? where do you go to school? what do you like to do? do you smoke?

great ur super cute btw what ur hobbies?

omarmushtaq1’s Profile Photoomar
tanks! idk i don't really think i have hobbies i really like driving and hanging out with my friends and laughing and now that its nicer out i love swings
Liked by: Alby


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