
Cole J. Bircher

Ask @capncoco4320

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What's one girl you couldn't see your life without?

bri sanders! shes my best friend and without her, my new school would be hell

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where do you work?

walgreens. definitely not the best place to work in the world but. hey, i get paid

Why do you go to military school

because in middle school i didnt care about school and had straight F's so i got sent away

Why do people kill each other?

because some people like the feeling its gives them. the rush. there fucked up people. some though. the ones that do it for fun are fucked up. i mean when i have a daughter and some teenage boy touches her, im killing someone

Why do zombies attack?

because they should. this world is so fucked up and just so fucking pointless why shouldnt we just fucking die anyways?

Be honest, do you masturbate? If so, how Often?

lol what guy dosnt? lmfao. like every other 2 or 3 days

Best thing to happen over a school break?

warped tour, just being with my friends and listening to the music i grew up with, perfection


Language: English