
Carla Apanto

Ask @carlaapanto01

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What do you value the most when it comes to friendship?

Honesty. Tell everything. Share everything. No lies. No secrets. Is the key to a long lasting frndship 😊

How do u express ur sadness? Where do u go? What would u do??

I show it to someone sometimes(depends who dat someone is) and I will not go anywhere. I will just stay in my room and surf my social media accs.

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Do you remember your dreams?

Yes 😭 and I wish some of them are just true to life nalaaang :(( huhu🙁

Could you love someone you had nothing in common with? Opposites attract they say.

Yes. Love isss love. Loveyou! 😆😁😚

If the universe stops expanding and starts contracting back in on itself, and time starts moving backwards, does this mean we will relive our whole past till we're no longer in existence?

Hay ambot oy dko ganahag science so bye

Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason? What was that reason?

That friend was stupid. SNS!

Did you ever send an anonymous loveletter to someone?

Not anonymously bc I gave it personally. 😁

Do you easily give your contact number to a stranger?

No and I can't give any coz I don't have a sim haha. I hate texting.

What did you have for breakfast today?

I don't eat bfast oy. Coz I wake up between 9-10am and I eat my meal during 11-12. Sometimes it turns out to be 1 pm iz my meal time.

If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be?

Cookies and Cream and nothing else I would be!

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

"Bsan asa ko moadto, dala nako imong picture" idk but thiz one gave me such amazing feels.

Have you ever broken any bones? If so, how many and which ones?

Yeah. It's between my eyes and my cheeks. We all got a bone in that part right? Coz when I was bata pa, it was hit by a swing with so much impact, and as a 7 yrs old I think w/ a petite body I flew away HAHAHAHA!


Language: English