
Caroline S.

Ask @carolinejoanie

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What makes you happy?

Caroline S.
What makes me happy? Not much anymore. My best friend stabbed me in the back, and I can't ever hang out with people, so what else is there? But One Direction makes me happy, and then people yell at me for constantly talking about them. What if everybody yelled at you for constantly talking about why make you happy. So don't EVER f****** tell me to shut up about the thing that makes me happy. Cause that's genuine happiness. Most of the time, do my smiles look real? Pay closer attention. You know my name, not my story. Don't judge me. Ever.

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How would you like to be remembered?

If I'm remembered, great. If I'm not, that's okay too, because as of right now, I haven't done something great to be remembered for.

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?

I'd call my best friend and tell her how much she means to me and that I forgive her and will always love her, and I want to put this mess behind us.

Do you miss anyone right now?

Yeah, my best friend. I'm not gonna talk about it, I'm done crying over it. I'll always love her, but she chose 'her' over me, she's lost everybody because of 'her', except me, but as of right now, she's lost me too. I don't want it to be this way, but she has to learn the lesson the hard way...that 'she' is only gonna destroy her, and 'she' wants to be the only one. 'She' has my best friend wrapped around her fingers, and is taking advantage of my best friend, I'm glad I left when I did, but I'm also sad, because I'm not there to protect her. I feel as if I'm the only one that even cares about my best friend, that's why I'm so overprotective. I feel if I don't care, who will? I know my problems are small, and that there are worse things going on in the world, but at 15 I know I shouldn't be dealing with this heartbreak and sorrow. I know, it's not like she's dead, but we've been friends since kindergarten. Her and I have stayed friends when I drifted away from my other friends for people who I thought liked me and were my friends. I feel like I'm gonna be the one to pick up the pieces after this is all over, cause I don't know if anyone else will want to do it. I love her, no, I'm not gay, I love her like a sister. I'll always be there for her, through thick and thin, but right now, I need my space.

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Hey<3 can you do me favor ?:) & like 70 of my awnsers to help me get to 90k? Or however many awnsers you want .! If not I understand :) no hate <3 just followed <33 . Your perf x)

Umm thanks, but I'm ugly
Liked by: Emma Jo


Language: English