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What do u think how many times in a day should i give food to my 4 month old cat ?

Two times at least but if you have a possibility to divide it to three times then you could try that too and see what she likes :)

How old should my female be to start breeding?

The best thing to do is to check with a vet or your breeding society's regulations on breeding tests, if they say that you cannot do the tests before a certain age then you will follow that :)
My recommendations are that the queen is at least one year old when she delivers the kittens

Have you heard of the breeding program darlin lil dolls in Canada? They seem very reputable, I'm about to get my kitten from them but wanted to ask around alittle but before I do.

Yes I know if them, but not too much to give any advice of the breeding. They have very nice ragdolls :)

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My little kitten is not eating/drinking/peeing/pooping as much as I would expect him too... Apparently kittens his age are meant to eat 1/4 or so of a packet of wet food 5 times a day and he eats about half a packet in a day ;/ I'm not sure if that is normal.. We are going to start weighing him ;/

How old is this kitten and how much does he weigh?
Sometimes we expect something else from them than what is normal for them, simply because we don't know better. If he is very very young then he might need to eat that often but if he is over at least 8 weeks old he doesn't need to eat 5 times a day.
As long as he isn't tired all day, showing his third eyelid or showing typical signs of an unhealthy cat, you have probably nothing to worry about. But give your vet a call to be sure :)

my cat destroys my NetCurtains nothing helps more he dont listened and I just do not know what to do anymore with him.. spraying water dont help, and put him at the scrathingtree does not help so i wonderd your like the cat expert do you have any tips for me?

Do not spray water on him, that does more harm than good here. Can you remove, change or tie the curtains in a knot for a while to just brake this behaviour? And you can just change back when he has stopped paying attention to them, and if he starts again then use a high voice to tell him NO! and only use this voice when he is doing something wrong. It can help to stare into his eyes as you say it, and afterwards just ignore him, how cute he may look :)
Liked by: Ilona Van Ginkel

Im studiying zoology for my undergrad drgree at the moment. How can I make my way to become a felinologist like you?

I think that you are already on the right way there :)

My cat seems to excrete some sort of liquid out of his nose regularly. You can see the fur just above his nose get wet. Is this something to worry about?

Syazwi Mazli
Does this liquid come from the nostrils or does it seem to come from the inside of the top of the nose? Either way, you need to call a vet for advice about this <3

How many litters will you let them have? How many years/months apart will you let them mate.. Have litters..? I heard the good time is having 1 litter 1 year...

It all depends on their health :) I try to follow my breeders club recommendation with 3 litters per 24 months

Hi! I'm the person who's cat was losing some fur and it was starting to weep. We took her to the vet and it was a spot where fleas had been she had been excessively grooming the spot because if irritation. So she was doing it to herself. She got tablets and new flea stopper and is good now

I'm so glad you have got help <3 Best of luck to you, I hope she will be fully recovered very soon!

It's so sad to see these kitties grow up :'( will you still play with them and consider them your babies after their litter is born and rehomed? :)

Yes of course! They are my everything and mean the world to me. After they have had a litter I spoil them a lot and we go back to normal again :)

My cat peed on the carpet cause he's been struggling to navigate with his cone :(

Oh poor boy <3 Show him where the box is and if it has a roof then remove that to make it easier for him. It can also be a reaction to the stress so keep your eyes on him <3

My partner & I just brought home a female ragdoll kitten who is 10 weeks old and she is having a lot of digestion issues and is having frequent diahheria. We I took her yesterday to the emergency care vet & got her medicine & clean her often. Do you have tips on how to comfort her? Thank you <3

I'm glad that you took her to the vet <3 And I hope she will be better soon. They often react to all the new impressions and if you didn't give the same food as she ate at the breeder, that can easily do this. The best is to continue give same food as from the breeder, and also have the same type of kitty litter.
Just leave her be for now, that will probably help more than to smother her with love. Just show her that you are there for her by touching her paw with your finger and talk with a low voice, tell her how mich you love her and how special she is <3

Hey:) i want to ask u: what do you think about spayin/netuer cats? Be cause we're going to have 2 kittens (female and male) and we are kinda worried. :(

What are you worried about?
To soay/neuter is the absolut best you can do for them, they will have such a better life <3

When will you know for sure if Zinna is pregnant?

There should be signs in about 3 weeks but she has fooled me before so I will probably not know until it is about 1 week left (due is around 26 october)

Do you have to clean your cats teeth?

I have bought a finger-brush but never used it. The best toothbrush is raw chickenwings :)

Was there anything in particular that you did with muffin when he was little that made you guys bond so deeply? I'm getting my ragdoll kitten in 2 weeks and I would like to know what I can do to bond with her other than being attentive to her needs and very gentle :)

He has been like this since I got him and that is all thanks to a very very good and responsible breeder. A kitten from a breeder that doesn't really care is hard to promise that he will have all the right personality of that pedigree breed chosen. Therefor it is super important to choose breeder before you choose kitten.

So excited about cinnamon-muffin kittens!! <3 :) When will you know for sure? Very interesting how the male knows when it's done/successful. Your Instagram is a joy and educational. :) Also... Think you handle some of these weird comments/ projected judgements with grace. <3 <3 <3

Thank you <3
Yes it is so very exciting :) I will probably not know for sure until middle of October if I can feel them moving, but I will update you all on Instagram to show some signs of it :)

Ok, so... I'm using feliway diffuser at the moment because we've just recently adopted a 12 week old kitten and my other cats were hissing and growling. (We gave the kitty a day to settle then let them eat in the same room) How can I tell if the cats are reacting to the feliway?

It is not really possible to see if it is working or not, more than if the actually get calmer.
It can take some time to introduce a new kitten so just be patient :)

My cat has lost her voice a few weeks ago. She tries it but there is only the noise of opening and closing her mouth. She is 15 years old. Maybe you can help me. Thanks <3

I'm so sorry, I cannot help you with that. I suggest you to call your vet to get some advice :)
Best of luck <3

My cat is the one that dosent stop shedding. Any brush recommendations? My cat is a dark brown. And she dosent acctually get hair balls even though she cleans herself lots and we don't brush her...

I use a metal comb size medium for all of mine. That gets rid of a lot of loose fur :)


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