

How old should my female be to start breeding?

The best thing to do is to check with a vet or your breeding society's regulations on breeding tests, if they say that you cannot do the tests before a certain age then you will follow that :)
My recommendations are that the queen is at least one year old when she delivers the kittens

Latest answers from Josephine

Hi Josie, Is it normal for a cat to stand at his bowl and meow out loud? He does it all the time now, even when the bowl is fresh. He only does it before he has a drink, not during or after. He always walks around meowing loudly too until I call for him.

That is a hard question to answer. Only because it could be due to several things. Of course we hope it is nothing medicinal that makes him hurting when he needs fluids/is dehydrated.
It could also be an association related thing where he has experienced something connected to water. I don’t know of his background but if he ever was a stray cat, it could be a natural instinct as they are very vulnerable when they eat and drink.
As long as he is fine otherwise I wouldn’t be worried, though 😊

Most of the time my cat (8 year old male) will only eat if I am watching him. It's not a big issue and he gets enough to eat but just curious about why it might be!

That is kinda sweet of him 😍 But I think since he is a senior, that he feels more safe with you next to him and when they eat, they are most vulnerable to the surroundings and maybe there is something that you can’t hear or see that is making him slightly uneasy otherwise ❤️

Hey Josie, My female spayed cat won't stop pooping in front of the trays, even when they're fresh. She only pees in the bath or in an empty tray too and I have tried different litter types. We have 3 trays (2 Laege, 1 small) and 3 cats, no more room for any more. Any advice please? Thank you

Hi! I’m so sorry that you are experiencing this problem ❤️ I think you are looking for the problem in the wrong places. Sure, this could be because of the type of tray, type of litter, where it is located etc but I think you need to look elsewhere. Is this cat the only spayed of the 3 cats? If so, her rank might make her feel unsafe at home and is totally unrelated to the litter box but there is where she shows she needs help.
This type of issue is not answered by a short text and I would love to help you investigate this further to help you what to do. Please contact me through www.catwhisperer.se and we’ll book a chat for this!
In the meantime, read my article about this problem on the link I gave you ❤️

Hello Josie, my cat has one of his lacrymal duct blocked, the vet told me there's nothing to do. Is it true?? His eye look always irritated, I am clueless of what to do. Thank you❤

Hi! I’m so sorry to hear that ❤️ Eye problems are very serious and if you don’t trust your vet you should definitely try to get secpnd and third opinions.
I am specializing in behavioral problems so I can’t help you with this but I really do encourage you to reach out to more vets, I have had to do that many times and it has helped me in sotuations like yours 🙏🏼

Hi Josie. I have a neutered male cat, and a year or so he started spraying in the house. Mostly when I can’t let him out in the garden. How can I make him to stop doing it?!?

Hi! A male cat doing this even though he is neutered is most likely unhappy about something in his living situation. The spraying makes him feel safer as it has a familiar scent.
Is there cats roaming outside of your house/apartment/property? Has anything changed at home, anything at all? Both of these two has to do with this behavior and could be manage when you find the underlying problem ❤️

Hi, what are your thoughts on Royal canin dry food? Is it a good brand? If not can you recommend me a good one? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks ❤️❤️❤️

Hi! Actually this is one of the worst brand of food, any other would be better. If you can, try to find a wet food that is grainfree. If you have Bozita where you live I can highly recommend that :)

Could you write an article about what cats will tell us with their tail?

Thank you for your wish about a new article ❤️

I adopted a 6mo kitten in December from a veterinary hospital.They said they spayed her and she had the shaved belly and scars to prove it, but 2 days ago she started rolling around the ground, howling and putting her hind in the air as if shes in heat and I think she is.Can you explain this at all?

They can still come in heat shortly after the operation and it is very common 😊 It will take a few months until the female is ”completely off the hormones”

Hello, what did you decide for momo well you try again or will you spay her. Best wishes 💕

I might do an investigation on her fertility and rule out those problems. That is where I am now and we’ll see what I decide for her later 😊💖

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