
celine fayola

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Tbh back

abi yaa abi😏,firstt friend yg i bikinn wktu di pis,sukaa gaje kadang nyanyi",friendlyy jugaa😛,sukaa ngerjain destyne😂,ship u sm abimanyu aja deh😏
Liked by: Abigail Sagala

keknya ud ketauan bett deh si anon nya siapa

ikrr😂ud ketauan bgt si🙄but thankyou so much for caring abt my lyfe coz the question shows that u care with my freaking life😌

bukannya univ lebih bagus ya?ngapain coba di penabur..univ kan ud lebih bagus

whatev non😂klo u mau nge-banggain ur school well idc HAHA
Liked by: Happy101

Tbh balik yey🙌🏻💕

princessa2206’s Profile PhotoPrincessa Richika
tbh cessaa baik kok,seru parah😛,easygoing and fun to talk with jugaa hahaa😂,bts,8th grader skrg yay,streaks dulu sering ilang with no reasons tp like ud ga ilang trus lagi HAHA🙆🏻,friendlyy yaa😁,pretty sm kinda cutee jugaa😘😛
Liked by: Princessa Richika

Yo bitj💕! Celine baik kok,seru yey🙌🏻,easygoing and fun to talk with banget😏💜,anak pis,ex bent tree😂,6s wowowow😂😌,collect squishy🎉,sering ke sg ga ngerti lagi😂,streak kita 58/59 ya dulu ilang terus ga ngerti kenapa ilang terus dulu lol,ade kelas,slimers juga,pretty deh😏❤️,friendly juga😘

princessa2206’s Profile PhotoPrincessa Richika
thankss HAHAHAHAHHA🙆🏻👊🏻
Liked by: Princessa Richika

Tbh i dungs,hehe! Thankss🙌

tbh selinaa a year olderr than me yaa,dulu pernah ad rumors aboutt u tp ga bener HAHA,body goalss😍,face goalss jugaa hehe😘,snpb,we have mutual friends🙆🏻
Liked by: Princessa Richika

tbh oldfriend smuanya ya ci

ohsht bnyk bgtt HAHA
•tbh riaa a rlly funny person trus kek always cheers ppl wktu sad gtu..sering give good advices samaa jahat gaiss dont be fooled by her looks😈
•bry jugaa a rlly funny person k trus likes to curhat to me ok trus always wishes smth that wont happen *i feel sorry for u bry👐🏻
•em gaa trlalu funnyHAHA but overwell orgny baik sm alim gtu when u saw her actually no oksip.
•louiss jugaa funny..sering berantem bc of gamess yaa biasaa trus baik jugaa hahaa
•tbh allen is louis pny lil bro yaa trus alot fatter dr pd louis sering imagine stuffs gabenerr dasar perverts but overwell baik jugaa and kadang childish jugaa kok hehe
👆🏻itu yg main yaaHAHA


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