

Ask @chalsubak

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5gam has new branch in downtown now, and I can suggest you to buy both Hanbin's fave scents and not his actual perfume because his perfume is so musky and manly I barely use it.

Oh thanks for the tip!! Also I actually do think masculine scents are nice because they're usually a lot longer lasting, try spraying them on some oversized coats and let them chill in your closet for a while till you wear them later heh

Uree how is Korea?

So so good!!!! This is the shortest time I've been here since I'll be going home in 2 days (😢) but overall it's been a very healing experience, made lots of memories and ate sooooo much food - a wonderful start to my summer hehe

Uree did you go to any of iKON family restaurants?

No, I've been spending most of my time with my family in busan and I don't particularly have any desire to see their families haha.. I really did wanna give 5gam perfumery a visit though, I'm obsessed with perfumes

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Why haven't you heard bp's new song??? Why is ikonic and ikon are such an anti???

I've been traveling with family with barely any time or internet to keep up with ikon but go off I guess

I hope you can win fansign and tell the boys to please promote in Korea, if they need to be all clingy and kiss-ass to YG just do it!

LOLL fingers crossed!!

Do u like bp's new song?

Haven't heard it yet but i'm sure I'll hear it around korea sometime haha

ureeee what have you been upto? busy with school? i hope you're getting a good rest in wtv it is

Hi!! I've been traveling! I'm actually in Korea right now with limited internet access but I'm having the time of my life and resting veeeery well, thanks for asking 🙂

Some that hasthagging the boycott thingy are the ones constantly going to Japan tours tho.

these tours seat thousands my dude it won't make a difference

For those who is saying ikonics is boycotting bish no you wrong. The concert doesnt even start yet. Theres nothing to be boycott. We just need justice for the K in iKON.


Uree I don't like them to be shipped to but people are starting to boycott iJON. They're still our sons. 😭😭😭😭😭

....you do realize boycotting only works if you were planning on purchasing something in the first place............. ifans complaining =/= boycotting

I seriously don't get why some iKONICs think the ones that are complaining abt this are being ugly and hypocrite and trying to act like iKON is not being mistreated at all. Are they gonna continue say that when the boys are losing weight and being mentally and physically drained?

A binch (me) is tired let us square up in peace

As much as Im hirt right now, I can never leave the boys :( I'll stay even if they decide to be just iJON :(

lol yeah the more crap they go through the more fiercely protective and devoted I feel :( they deserve so so much better

youreeee this is totally ikon-unrelated but do u watch pd101? and if u do which trainee that u support? :)

No, my heart is too weak LOL.... but I like the one with the cat! Heard he got dropped though :(

I'm sorry if you were asked this before but where did "mambin" originate from?

If you say "kimhanbin" really fast it sounds like "ki mambin" haha
Liked by: alekisme

*COUGHS* I just want to let u know that u are one of my fav ikons since the day joined this fandom haha merchui power heuheuehu

LOL thanks!! Glad you aren't sick of me yet 🙂

Are the bose headphones really effective in cancelling noise? I get pretty distracted and can't sleep when travelling so I'm looking to buy a pair

Yeah, I really like them because they like... cup your ear instead of resting in or on them. My only complaint (which isn't the headphones' fault at all) is that they hurt to wear for a long time when I'm wearing glasses because they push it into my face, haha

have you ever written a letter to the yourself? as in for you to read in 5/10 years from now? aka the future you? Recently I got a mail I had forgotten I set to be send 7 years after, one I wrote back in highschool for myself and ugg i cant even

I did! One of my teachers made us write one in... 7th grade? And he mailed it back to us when we graduated high school, haha. I put some money in mine too. That was nice. I think it was a good thing to do, it was really nice to read! Was yours super embarrassing? LOL

Did you find the fourth H for Donghyuk?

WAIT DID I EVEN FIND A 3RD H??? hot, holy, handsome(?), wHolesome? LOL........ husband material? hysterical?

Kkkk imma add another one then. You both have such a way with words. ❤

omg STOP IT I'M BLUSHING all I do is yell frantically and cry a lot you're too nice


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