

Ask @chantellebate18

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tbh; well you're a great girl and you're hell nice. actually hate what happened between us:/ and yeah think about it and shit a lot aha. um your really attractive and funny and yeah idk ahaha x

Smurfytheprawn’s Profile PhotoJosh Fraser
Awwh:) Thankyou xx and yeah nothing can do about it now.... :)
Liked by: Josh Fraser

so what's everyone complaining about

No ones complaining just one person asked josh and me what happened
Because he said like 3 regrets or some shit and he said dogging chants so yeah a while ago now we all good?
Liked by: Josh Fraser

Yeah well while your out "partying" maybe you should think about her rather then getting drunk with a ten tonne of boys with you being the only girl there... Some friend trolol

My dad was there lolololol
And i was with a few other girls lolol

You and Caitiee look/seem like your drifting? You seem to be with the boys more now then her... Just sying it's what it seems not saying it is true or anything but you might want to get your priorities right before you loose her

I love her more then anything and just because i see the boys a bit doesn't mean i see them more then her? Last week i was at Ellenbrook with her then bj took me home. This weekend just gone i was with her and then she went to moora and i stayed in pithara and was with the boys because we partied haha. They are literally just my good friends like I'm allowed to see them too because i'm just one of them. In holidays i could hardly see her coz she went QLD and had work. I don't think were drifting she's my Bestfriend but ok

Let them think what they want bub. If they want to believe that you had sex with him then good on them. You know the truth and so does he. You both know nothing happend. Chin up beautiful xx your life is obviously more interesting then theirs❤️

CatieeStaines93’s Profile PhotoCatiee Staines
Thanks baby girl love you xx

How bout you back the fuck up dickhead :~) Chantelle is no where near a slut so shut your fuckin' mouth! If I find out who you are, fkn watch out! Chantelle I love you, don't listen to them! They obviously don't know shit! Stupid fk!

Love you baby :-)


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