

Ask @charleeeeee__

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layne. I know it was a long time ago but this is getting on my nerves. when you're mad at me or are trying to be mean, or anything. you can say anything you want to me or about me, but don't bring up layne. it is honestly the worst thing you can do. I don't care what we are taking about DONT bring him up, unless it's in a positive way.
you can have people like gavin that ask you why you still care about him because he's dead.
BECAUSE HE WAS MY BESTFRIEND. and to everyone that still asks me that, or one of his other friends, i will explain to you now why we are sensitive on the subject.
he's gone. no matter what you do it doesn't make anything better. over time it gets easier, but you can never get over it. and to people thinking well who cares, yes he's dead get over it. just imagine this.
your bestfriend. don't care who it is, just imagine that person. you don't talk to them for a few days. it happens lots, you think it's just another time. you're at home, watching tv, and you get a text. thinking it'd be a friend. no.
they are gone. you don't know how to take it. you think they're joking. you call them. no answer. you FaceTime them. no answer. you call twice more. nothing. then you get a text from their sibling.
"are you trying to get ahold of them? I'm sorry, he's gone."
...you don't believe it. you can't imagine them not being here. then someone has the nerve to make fun of them because they are gone. they make fun of the way he died. the fact he's gone.
you're in a fight with someone, and they bring up that person just to make you feel worse. and to people who do that. stop. you are a terrible person. I understand you weren't close with them. but if you were, you would understand.
and sorry about the hardcorness of this paragraph but props to you if you read this.

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Language: English