

Ask @chicmez

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Thoughts on jessica leaving snsd :o

Waitwut she is? 80 i did not know this until now. Is she leaving or getting kicked or whut

Ohhh~ I can't eat spicy, u'll have to bear with me cuz in the end u'll see lots of water,tissues, and tears hahaha i like something sweet, and definitely not sour too haha

Husniyah HA
Ahahahaha that's fair enough. I eat almost everything to be honest rofl. Unless it's too sweet/salty/sour/bitter/etc LOL
Liked by: Husniyah HA

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Wae u cut ur hairrrrrrrrr

Coz i wanted a change ahahaha. Never fear, my hair is growing out hella fast rofl. Zzzzz wanted short hair for longer to be honest
Liked by: Husniyah HA

What are your plans for tomorrow?

uni tomorrow pretty much. and then if i can be bothered to public transport there, i'll go to a friend's house for lg. but it depends on the weather and i highly doubt that i will at the moment.

What was the last thing you regret buying?

hmmmm to be honest, it's been a looooooong time since i last bought anything that i've regretted. I suppose it'd have to be the perfumes that I bought in a grab bag last year? since to be honest, i haven't used them yet.... @.@

hi! obligatory catch up session :D what have you been up lately? what made you happy! what made you sad! how are you!

JQQQQQQQQQQQQ I'm good I'm good. just been a bit busy with assignments and what not. starting to read a little more again ahahaha youuuuu?! (i still need to put up a post on fb i just realised herp derp. don't even know what to say rofl)

FETUSES. Hahahahaha u made my day with this term to describe them cute idols xD

ahahahaha well that's basically what they are to me, considering how young they are nowadays. like wow i feel positively old. even the fans make me feel like a grandma WTF. annoying tweens pls. (lol jokes don't kill me pls)

Still fangirling over exo? Or any other distractions..like got7 maybe? haha :p

Ahahahahaha not as much these days. Bangtan boys though. Dayummmm they are some cute fetuses. Roflllll
Liked by: Husniyah HA

Yay if you're getting married, send me your invitation card! All the way to brunei yes? haha :b

LOL it's a very very long way away. Long long long way away. But if it ever appears, I'll be sure to do so ehehehe

How much time per day do you spend on the internet?

Toooooooo long. And with smart phones it's more of a question of when ARE you not on the internet no?

What sport is the most boring?

Old people bowling. Is it called lawn bowling? I don't even know rofl. More boring than golf.

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

Ahahahahahaha funny question that. I already have, only I don't think it counts since it was a friend of a friend's so not just some random i met online. The friend who introduced to him was a random I met online though. Kpop fandom ftw~

What personality trait do you admire in other people?

High self esteem. I have always battled with low self esteem problems.

What are u up to nowadays? U have boyfriend? Or Married with 5 kids now...? :o hahaha

Lol I'm totes married with 5 kids at the age of 23. Just joking just joking. But yea i have a boyfriend. Hasn't been that long so not many people in my life know about it.
Liked by: Husniyah HA

Here it says "ميرران" = merran your name in arabic ehehe (see how much free time i got just to spam you) xD

Husniyah HA
Oh ahahahaha that's really cool! ♥♥♥ squeeeeee

What could you do as a child that you can't do now?

Dance ballet. I used to be really good. Did an audition in singapore when i was 7 to join a ballet company and everything. Made it too, only came to Australia, where it was too expensive to continue it. ahahaha oh wells

Which is the place that you have always wanted to visit?

Korea and Japan. I love their culture and they seem so pretty and i would just love to go there sometime.

Favourite memory?

Last month for a week. Spent the whole time with my bf when he came to visit. Time flew past in the blink of an eye


Language: English