
Chloe King

Ask @chlo_king13

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A friend doesn't matter but you guys are great just do it already

We both just got out if a relationship why would we want to go into one again?
Liked by: gabriella

do you miss cain ?

Yes and no, yes I do because I had amazing times with him and we could be ourselves together but no because I pushed away all my good friends and I regret that but we are still friends and I hope to stay that way :)

HO: meee

This is from nina ✌️ I think you're super lovely! And pretty and we always had heaps of fun In maths!

even if he didnt boss her around in your opinion he still didnt treat her right ...

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

HAHAH biggest bullshiter 2013. im cain close mate and i know for a fact cain didnt boss around chloe and did not want herr to do everything..

Yeah, people are going to think whatever they want so theres no point trying to explain to them. I wouldn't have stayed if he was bossing me to do things, you do things for people because you would expect them to do it in return.

you deserve a boyfriend who treats you like a princess not like cain did he just bossed you around and wanted you to do everything for him why did you put up with it for so long ?

Because thats what you do when you love someone.

you clearly stated earlier in one of your questions " you could say i have a crush " yeah pretty sure that means you have a crush on someone else ..

I also corrected myself saying thats it's not what I meant and that I wasn't clear :) I do not have feelings for anyone I'm alone and happy!

it hasnt even been a week yet and you already have a crush on someone else ? ha

Seriously again -.- I DO NOT LIKE SOMEONE ELSE!

You's have been broke up not even a week and you already like someone... Dear lord

No I don't like someone that's not what I meant. It would take time to develop feelings for someone, but I'm still trying to move on. Cain obviously wants nothing to do with me so I don't see a point in me trying to get him back,
Liked by: Naomi Hodgson


Language: English