
chloe hodgkinson

Ask @chloehodgkinsonx

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weren't you best friends with shavaun for like 10/11years or somet and then you fall out and you've not spoke to her about it or anything you've just fucked her off for morgan, you've known her 4 months as you clearly said below,look up the definition of 'bestfriend' you dont know the meaning at all

ahahahahaahahhahaah bye

opinion on morgan riley hehe

hi morg hehe:] but she's my bestfriend and i love her loads, i've only known her for like 4 months or something like that, but i can trust her with anything and we do absolutley everything together, and the first time we met we was doing roly polys off this coach right and then we both face planted the floor omfg cannot cope, but ye ily loads X

you're a vegetarian? wtf how?er couldn't do that that wasn't me that asked though

well i kinda decided i don't like meat like the other month, but i like chicken lol ok
Liked by: Nathan Orritt

opinion on joe b and Corey p

Joe- thinks I'm really clever lol:] but ye he's so nice and really funny, easy to get along with and very good looking
Corey- really nice, and very good looking also lul but don't speak that much tho x
Liked by: Nathan Orritt


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