
chloe stratford

Ask @chloeklyh

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It might just be somebody's idea of a joke you know what people can be like these days just take no notice and don't let them know that they are getting to you x

there all rats, bare jel obvii

your back round on here isn't even you loool flat chested brat

im not flat chested hahah u probs anit even seen me, ur the flat chested rat mush
Liked by: Elliee

I don't get why you get this hate it is absolutely wrong we dont get on at all but this is sick, and to the person saying that fuck off you don't know her mum

init i dont even understand how someone could be so fkin sick

I know you and Martyna want to beat me up, and I know you hate me and everything, but the hate you get is honestly disgusting, all you tats should leave Chloe alone, would never wish that upon anyone x

lol willys
hahaha okay fankss

as mush as you hate me, I think all the qestions about your mum and dad are fucking awful, everyone leave her alone and grow up!

awrh mad cute xo

Is your dad dead or not?? Because if he is, the questions you get asked are honestly disgusting. Chloe might of made some bad decisions in the past and not always chosen the right path, nobody deserves that sort of verbal abuse. I'm not friends with Chloe, so she might not even appreciate this, but

nah hes alive, i dont rly understand where ppl got the idea hes dead from.

If any of you twats who giver her this hate see this, I honestly hope something terrible happens to you. Saying things like 'it's a good thing your dad is dead' is the worst thing anyone could say. Chloe ignore those twats and carry on with your life. I'd hate it if I got any of this. xx

cheers bby xxx


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