
syahirah nadirah ♔

Ask @chocorella

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Here's the funniest, most original pun of all time~ Darth Vader's wife is called ELLA VADER HAHAHAHA GEDDIT HUEHUEHUE LAUGH NOW~

get off my ask fm squidzy
Liked by: hmm

i wish i had the guts to tell you thank you for all that you've done for me

i wish you'd tell me who you are, and you're welcome ❤

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I dreamt of you. And you made me happy in that dream. So thank you.

I'm really happy to hear that, and I hope you're happy outside of your dreams too, whoever you are <3

how big your real one? (○´3`(●´3`(○´3`(●´3`(○´3`)

what has humanity come to why can't you ask me about how much I care to continue this conversation right now because that's an easy one to answer
Liked by: Amelia Ali

bungalow, terrace, flat, or condo

where's the mansion option
I really can't decide
Just give me my mansion already

if you were given a chance to change any part of your body, which would you pick?

I'd have a smaller nose maybe, even tho I'm okay with it the way it is

would you rather spend more money on clothes or on food?

I was gonna follow my stomach and say food but thinking about it, I can get a lot of inexpensive yet delicious food anywhere, but not so much inexpensive but high quality clothing, so I'm gonna say clothes

a really good looking guy that you've had a crush on for a long time asks for your number. Do you give it to him?

But like ~smoothly~ and ~subtly~ like the sophisticated lady I am
a really good looking guy that youve had a crush on for a long time asks for
Liked by: dayana Amelia Ali

you are stuck in a jungle with no food and water. you felt famished . then you see two insects/ creepy crawlies, caterpiller and frog, which one would you eat

I think
Liked by: Amelia Ali

what are your thoughts about marrying someone 10 years younger

Aiyo would there even be people ten years younger who are interested in me PSH

How's TP for ya

TP is good!!! It's tiring but hey I'm finally doing what I want with a nice class and fantastic friends. And cheers.


Language: English