
Chris Avila

Ask @chrisavila2

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He told me come up babe you know I love you please forgive me I promise I will take you out tomorrow make you feel special , like how can he say that after what he did :///

ughhhh no don't even

He said babe I'm sorry you know I didn't mean please just forgive I acted little crazy because I was drinking come on you know me you know I won't hurt you like that

what the hell

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I won't he really made me so scared I told idk about you anymore why would you do that to me

his sorries are Bullshits

That's what I told him I said you can't scare me like that and think a sorry gonna make it better

no don't say it's okay I forgive you

No my mom and her boyfriend are not here omg omg omg he told me I better let him in when he gets here :'''(


I dont even know I hope he doesn't him me I can't defend myself against him he bigger than I am omg :'''''(''''

your parents are around right?? and fucking kick him in the nuts!

Omg he told me he gonna come over I'm so scared he really super mad right now omg :''''''(''''

omg what do you think is gonna happen?!? OMG keep your distance!

He was always so nice to me idk why he changed why does he act this way for I never did anything wrong to deserve this :''''('''

awwww ugh I don't even know :/ he's just a heartless jerk

I can't stop crying omg he broke my heart :'''(

awwwww anon I'm sorry but he isnt any good for you he treats you so poorly and he's cruel. you don't deserve any pain that he causes you!

Ugh man idk what ima gonna do it feels like I got hit 10 times in the stomach :'''''''''''(''''''''''

awwwwww dude I am so sorry :(( don't Listen to what he says he's a moron!

Ugh I can't he already beyond mad at me for saying that and cause I told him to just stay home :////

ugh then fuck him! I'm done with him ! lol omfg I want to yell at him for being a stupid bitch damn

I ask him why was it so wrong for me to hangout with my friends he said that I was trying to sheep of with that guy when we were all waiting for me to come that do make sents at all to me ://

omfg that's so annoying tell him well you cheated on me with you friend and you still talk to him

I know I don't think he cares about me the way I care about him :'///////////////

awwww idk :/ just ignore him, well try. just try and get your mind off of him

Yes omg he really getting mad now ugh why is he like that ://

I don't even know but just ignore him I woul hate being treated like that. he's just stressing you ou and making you sad


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