
Christopher John Paul Low

Ask @chrisloww

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Your views on lactose intolerance

Any kind of intolerance is damaging and toxic to the function of a racially and religiously harmonious society. Whether believe in and eat lactose is their decision, and being intolerant of it only breeds hatred. In his sermon on the mount Jesus taught us that we must love our neighbour as we love ourself, regardless of their lactose orientation.
- Saad

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Great to hear that you wish to do medicine for the right reasons, the fact that you're even considering nursing is evidence of that. All the best for IB!!

Apologies for being late, but thanks so much! IB's done and dusted already so hopefully all goes well! :)

What would you say during your interview for being considered for a degree in med?

Hmmmm that will really depend on the kind of questions they ask right? 😅 I guess something that'll definitely surface would be my reasons for wanting to study medicine and hopefully by the time the interview comes round, I can straighten my thoughts coherently!

What is one thing you would like to change in your life?

Right now? Hmmm, being more faithful I guess. Trust is something I find myself unconsciously slipping out of, especially during this rather pressurising period, but I really just want to let God take control of things and I want to take comfort in the fact that He's got a plan. It's something I'm struggling with but hopefully things work out! :)

How are you so sure about medicine? What would it mean to you if you didn't get in for local?

Hello! Apologies for all the medicine questions I've been sitting on :/ I haven't gotten the time to give a very coherent answer which really reflects my motivations but for now I'll just summarise and maybe when I've more time to think, I'll answer one of the earlier questions with a better answer :)
Mmmmm I'm not too sure when I came to the decision to do medicine but I've always wanted to have a profession in which is people-centred; I guess I enjoy being around others and serving them! I've realised that it's just in my personality to want to be around others and try to effect some sort of positive influence on them. And medicine to me has always been a profession that I view as extremely humbling and meaningful, for the simple reason that doctors have to give themselves wholeheartedly to others even at the expense of many aspects of work-life balance. It's an ideal I'd very much like to spend a good part of my life being committed to, as tough as it may be. :) This, coupled with my interest in biology and the anatomy of humans have led me to believe that medicine could very well be a calling, if everything falls into place. :)
I guess if I don't make it to the interview or through the interview for Yong Loo Lin (NUS), I'll wait till I do my BMAT next year because I'm not doing it this year before applying for NTU then I'll see how it goes from there! Of course, I suppose that overseas is on the cards, but with the problem of costs and all, it's not something I'm particularly leaning towards but I'll figure something out with my parents when we reach that stage I guess!
And you may be wondering after reading my reasons above, why I can't choose some other people-centred, serving profession, and yes I am actually considering career paths like Nursing! Hopefully I don't enlist in Jan so I can attend the MOH Healthcare Attachment Programme next year and I may apply for the MOH scholarship too for Nursing if I don't get into Medicine! So yes, lots of decisions to make but hopefully I could do something healthcare related! :)

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Hey Chris I see you're rlly popz among our yr 6s...I think you're a really friendly and honest guy but I get a certain vibe from you. Like you give off an 'atas' vibe idk. You atas your friends atas. Is it cos your friends are atas? Or cos atas ppl friend you?

Hello there! Mmmm no lah I really don't think I'm popz or anything, maybe it's just that the people I'm usually around are quite happening? :P Hmmmm, but what do you mean by "atas" is it like ummm in a monetary sense or behavioural...?

do you ever find yourself offending people?

Mmmm well I suppose its in my nature to try and avoid offending people not because I want to please others, but because I would not want to, as far as possible, let my actions/ words negatively affect others! I don't really like it when people think they have a right to do whatever they want simply because it's "their life" and that the opinions of others don't matter. I mean, yes, you do have the right to be your own person and do as you please, but that is not an excuse for a self-centred mentality. We all need to realise that our actions could inadvertently affect others and while each and everyone of us has the right to personal expression and the like, one should always keep in mind not to provoke others needlessly. That being said, I think it is also important to remember that you won't be liked by everyone, sometimes for the most irrational/ baseless reasons- they may just not like who you are. But you should just be yourself and be conscious of the reality that whatever you say or do could hurt/ be insensitive to others. If your conscience is clear but you still are negatively perceived by others, it shouldn't get you down! :)

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Liked by: Yi Liang Tan

Do you know Efren and what do you think of him?

Ummmm I don't really know him personally tbh! I only know him as the rather handsome caucasian looking dude HAHAHA
Liked by: Yi Liang Tan

miss frisbee? what about frisbee do you miss?

I was just thinking about this the other day and reminiscing and yeah I actually do miss it quite a lot :'(
First thing's first, frisbee helped me to retain a jawline, keep my waist size one inch smaller than it is now and maintain my love handles at a relatively smaller size HAHAHA But on a more serious note, I miss playing till 7 with the brilliant sunset as a lovely backdrop, Friday night dinners (when the girls always NEVER SHOWER YUX), the 10 cut drills, getting skied endlessly, winning and losing together... I think this year's inter-JCs left the most indelible memory of frisbee on me- playing in and as a team will always be something I cherish with all my heart, regardless of the many difficulties that comes along with it. I still get goosebumps when I think of the time when Justinus laid-out twice to send us to the quarters before we mobbed him- I don't think I'd ever felt such collective emotions of euphoria, relief and togetherness. :')

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HAHAHA wtf why was I spanking someone in that photo!!!! to the anon who asked that question, I'm not that kinky irl

Nas Shah
HAHAHA I think it was Seth! And please lah we all know how kinky you are ;)
Liked by: Yi Liang Tan

you're so cute :3

Ayy thank you! I get this way too often but I know that when people call me and every other short guy "cute" it usually refers to the "small-boy-cute" and not the "handsome-cute" HAHAHAHAHA
Liked by: Chia Jeng Long

LOL what's your impression of him?

Of Afif? Ummm I don't know him that well tbh but he sings really really well and he's quite friendly but soft-spoken! I get the impression that he's super good with girls because he always seems to be good friends with a lot of them LOL

are you planning on continuing Frisbee ?

Hopefully! I'm not too sure whether I'd try out for a club- but I'll definitely try out for the team in NUS (if I manage to get in HAHAHA). And see how it goes lah, whether I can commit and stuff or whether any club would want me :P

Do you know Afif?

Yeah! Sort of! I see him around sometimes and we say hi/ bye to each other lololol but the first time I sort of interacted with him was when I was with him and Tun and he tricked Tun that he got suspended for smoking LOL

If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

I always thought having a tattoo in Tengwar- the Elvish script that Tolkien invented in Lord of The Rings- would be pretty cool tbh! Hmmm, maybe the word "Courage" on the inside of my left arm HAHAHA

What is one thing you wish you could do/had not done?

Hmmmm, surprisingly I've gone through quite number of regrets this year- things which I never thought I'd experience so soon in life! I've had to weather excruciating disappointments in myself and sometimes in others, failures, falling out with some important people in my life, I've fallen in love and out of it, said things I wish I had not and not doing things I wished I had. There are many things I wish I had done and conversely, things I wish I hadn't and I can't really pick on something super specifically but in general I wish I had been more sensitive to the people around me/ thought things through better before doing/ saying something?
I know I digressed a lot and I get super ramble-y when I'm lost in my thoughts, but at the end of the day, all these regrets are part of the inexhaustible variety of life I suppose. Despite wishing I had done things differently, I guess each and anything done/ not done sort of shapes you to be the person you are today? I can say that I've been moulded by my experiences, even those which I didn't want; but that's not all that bad! Joanna wrote something really touching the other day on FB: "I pray not for the innocent belief that all things are good, but for the wisdom to see good in all things". So yes, despite many things I wish I did/ did not do, I'm glad for the decisions I've made along the way because they've taught me things about myself and helped me to keep growing :)

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Does nishan go to bishan starbucks to study?

OH BLESS HAHAHAHA uhhhh well he stays in boarding which and AC's in the west so I doubt so? He usually studies in school or UTown with Tun! If you want to hook up with him let me know lah literally the only thing that's missing from him is a girlfriend 😂

describe nas

Nas is a prime example of how height is just a number, seeing how he's a massive ladykiller ;) he's rather charming, cheeky, QUITE HANDSOME and idk how to explain it but like a really cool guy to talk to?? He seems to have something to talk about for any topic and somehow manages to make it humorous 😂 i remember the first legit convo we had during Methodist Walk duty and although I hardly talked to him much before he just made me feel at ease- it was quite nice :) Aiya Nasrullah is quite a cool guy 10/10 would date but he's also -10/10 religious cos too many off days HAHAHAHA

(the INFJ dude) ahh i see.. yup HAHA i guess in that aspect we are alike! Anyway, all the best for IB, I hope you manage to grow into the person you want to become :)

HAHAHA AIYO thanks so much dude ☺️ you too yeah if you've got any exams coming up or anything!!


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