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that, my dear, will be kept a secret.

aw, that sucks. </3 i hope we'll figure out who you are someday.

you can go to sleep. or you can join me in bed. to hell with that club ; )

ahahahha I wanna join you in bed rn. I don't feel well. </3
Liked by: congenial.

aw, you shouldnt feel - its pretty normal though, considering it was my fault! <3 aw, rongma's getting old and your memory is getting a bit rusty too. ;c pft, lets sneak out at midnight, when he's asleep. amen to that - and ikr? but then again, its too much caffeine. i think they'd spike our drink.

nono, it's not your fault! this isn't the first time this has happened. i don't mean forgetting that i have a son/daughter, but just remembering details in general. details that i should know, sighs. </3 haha, except when it's midnight for you, it'd be the crack of dawn for me. I'm deep in slumber, hun. </3 ...i think our drinks would get spiked regardless of what we order.
Liked by: congenial.

pft, fine i wont blame myself then - rongma's words are so wise, weeps just like supapi's. <3 aha, do you go speechless over seeing it as well? slapped. but i agree, and he's easy to tease anyway, wise old papi. but all your kids are super rich, and suho- lets not even. no, dont say that! #ahrong.

nah, supapi is more wise than i am. <3 I'm still an immature brat and i think the whole world knows. 'as well'? has someone seen it before? raises an eyebrow. exactly, isn't it so much fun? grins. it's probably because he's old, that's why he's easy to tease. but joonmyun complains about his wallet! no matter how rich he is. watch me wake up tomorrow morning, dazed and wondering what #ahrong is. just kidding, that won't happen. <3 my memory is terrible, but not terrible to that point yet, i don't think. at least, i hope.
Liked by: congenial.

aw, you're forgiven - i was never really angry at you or anything. <3 aha, thats really okay, rongma. and supapi took it pretty cooly, i must say. hopefully, i must be his favourite child in order for him to do so! same here, i go all high and no one can stop me, i feel. we're here for the coke, yo.

i know, but i feel bad when i forget about things like this. ;c i used to have a pretty good memory. and i still kinda do, but it's not at its best anymore. except i don't think he'd let us go. </3 exactly. it's the best feeling in the world. at least it's not as harmful as alcohol. lmfao, they'll probably just tell us to go home, otl.

d'aw, rongmama you're so understanding - i appreciate that, so thank you. <3 but still, its my fault. otl. i bet you love seeing his aroused d, aye mama? ; ) pft, yes of course i am - you two are together now so why not, and more siblings for us! #ahrong bc i get to top. winks. <3

no, it's not your fault! don't blame yourself. there are some things in life we just don't have control over. aha, I'm not going to say anything to that, it's just amusing to tease him. <3 asdfghjkl if there are more siblings we're going to be seriously poor, otl. ahaha, fine, #ahrong it is. <3 i swear, one day I'm going to have to write all my ships somewhere because my pea-sized memory is going to forget. ugh. </3

and the whole world is on your case, i could offer you a warm embrace. ♥ - pretty good guesses but none have been correct. hint : none, sorry.

you always find beautiful songs. I'm so glad you have time everyday to find a song for us. <3 could it possibly be vic umma?
Liked by: congenial.

' and you must be my daughter, right? my new child. ' how could you not remember your own chilid? odg. </3 pft, he wouldnt mind lending me some of his money. ;p wow - three? then i guess you have high tolerance of coke? pmsl. thats true, i cant even do three sometimes. omg, i can imagine us already!

..stop it. i have a memory of a pea, I'm sorry. </3 joonmyun is going to freak now, because this totally slipped my mind. I'm so sorry, hun. </3 hopefully he won't, but no guarantees. he can be a bit stingy c; hehe, yeah. i guess you could say that. i just really enjoy having that sugar rush, you know? it's refreshing. we're the perfect pair to go, heh. ;p like everyone orders alcohol and we're like, 'nope. just coke for us.' lmfao (x
Liked by: congenial.

i know right? blame me and my late replies, i should be sorry, pls. </3 aha, nah dont worry about it - lets just move on bc that was so last year. shot, pmsl. aw, why not? he seems as if he really needs you though, give yourself to him already. ; ) aw. then maybe #ahrong? <3 its unique. heh.

no, it's okay. you're on a hiatus and busy, so it's perfectly understandable. <3 no, frustrating him is fun. <3 and are you encouraging your mother to have sex, pmsl. #chora, #ahrong - either works fine, tbh. it's up to you, really.
Liked by: congenial.

no that wasn't what i asked him on pm i actually haven't told him anything yet but i'll pm you once i get back to the place lmao. we're leaving today. which is why they dragged me outside for lunch

it's alright, take your time. <3 ohh. oh gosh, another five hour drive back. just get some rest on the ride back, alright?
Liked by: congenial. -

that lovely person was me, rongmama. oh and does that mean you and joonmyun are my parents know? grins cheekily. ; ) i agree, im addicted to coke, tbh - just one glass full of it and i become high, istg we should go clubbing one day then, aha. <3

odg, when did i have another child - joonmyun is going to whine about his wallet again. seriously? it takes me two, sometimes three. usually two does the trick though, since I haven't had enough of an appetite to take in three, pmsl. but yes, we should. <3 i think we'd go crazy.
Liked by: congenial.


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