

Ask @chychy45

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your dad

me- "daddy if i ever came home with a hickie would i he in trouble?"
him- "depends on who you were with that day"
me-"k. love you"
him- "freak"
Liked by: Jimi

whats ur lst text ?

"yeah, but kels.. honestly is she worth all the pain you get from it? no. tbh, she fucks around more than you do.. and honestly its not worth the fight.."

kellly tried 2 fite ur gf?

Can you spell right? lol. Buut anyway she wouldnt because she knows that if she did i wouldnt be friends with her because lexi is my girlfriend and erin is a person thats been there for me through everything. Aannnnd anyway kelle doesnt like fighting. Honestly this whole"fighting" shit is over erin talking to a girl. Teenage drama is stupid.(':

what was wrong in school.?

ok, there is one person i put before EVERYONE including kelsey which never happens. and what do i get? being put second to someone that i shouldnt be. i get that shes just a friwnd but honestly its like when shes around im irrelevant. im so sick of letting people break down the walls i build just so that they can hurt me yk? like honestly why put someone through that much pain. its the worst feeling ever. i shouldnt be, thats the worst part.

why did u seem upset last night towards the end of the concert.?

because im tired of this, you come first to everyone.. except ovbiously her.. because yk when all of us are hanging out and you two are talking im irrelevant.


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