
Lauren Forbes

Ask @cimorelliisepic796

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if she questions it kinda laugh it off but not to much!! because she might feel the same way.. girls are masters of deception. they will cry there eyes out and then look you in the eye and say they are okay.. she might be hiding feeling for you. if she responds with hearts in texts and says---------

Joe Quilling (✔)
What he said ^^^^^^^

thank you, at 2, I hope it works because my greatest fear is losing

Me.too. make sure you check out Joe's advice, he's a really smart guy :)

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that truth can doom a friendship?

It could I suppose. It could either move you past friendship, make it awkward or nothing will change but you'll feel better

dude payphone isn't acapella!! :D

Right, gosh I need a freakin brain. Seriously, I'm going to die of this freakin insomnia. I have that version of payphone on my phone. Good gosh, please forgive me. The fifth fav acapella cover from.them that I like is Pray

Felipe..... you shouldn't just come out and say it....she might think your kidding!! approach it slowly..when texting etc. start using hearts on every message.. she will find this cute..after about a week at the end of conversations start saying I love you. put just like slip it in there--(continued

Joe Quilling (✔)
Never mind, listen to him, he's a dude, he knows what he's talkin about. He knows how it works better for dudes :-)
Liked by: Joe Quilling (✔)

Yes, I love my friend, ale, is my lifelong friend and not know how to tell, give me advice?

Well, I had the same time. I just came out and told my bestie and it turned out that he liked me back. I was just completely honest. I would tell your friend you like them. Honestly is always the best policy :-)

okay pick just FIVE acapella covers??

Grrr, Y U ask such a hard question??!! Ok. Fine. Some Nights, Turn Up the Music, Payphone, Skyscraper, Perfect

I also I have a problem with insomnia, I like a friend and not to do, can you give me advice? It's like your best friend a lifetime you digest the overnight I love you, and do not know how to tell

Let me make sure I understood right. Cause my brain is like dead lol you like your best friend and you don't know whether you should tell them or not?

that it's okay with you?

It's fine with me. Sleep is important. But if you want to stay up with me I'm totally fine with that :)

why you have insomnia? if you take red bull and accompany you?

I'm not sure why I have insomnia. You can do that if you want too :)

who's your fav pll character? and lying game character?

I love all the girls in PLL, you know, Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna. And in The Lying Games I'm pretty sure its a tie between Laural and Emma :) but I'm really new to the Lying Game, like I just started watching it yesterday lol

what are your favorite movies?, normally you see on tv?, that you love about TV programs?

I love Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, that's my favorite movie. I watch, Pretty Little Liars, The Lying Game, Greys Anatomy, and Glee :) and I love them, just cause they are all unique and lots of fun to watch :)

which is a perfect day for you?

A perfect day for me is a day by myself. With just my journal, my guitar and my ipod :)

apology for clerical errors, not my language and that is not an excuse, but I hope you understand the message well

I think I did. :)


Language: English