

Ask @claarrreeee

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How to make a woman happy?

1.Bring her roses or flowers for no reason at all. Not just when you're in trouble or on Valentine's Day.
2.Call her beautiful, instead of pretty or cute.
3. Promise never to let her go, and keep that promise.
4. Make sure she knows that you're afraid to lose her.
5. Treat her the same around your friends as you would do when you're alone.
6. Be there when she needs you.
7. Have a date planned out so all she has to do is look good and show up.
8. Randomly send her a text saying you're thinking about her.
9. While out, introduce her to the people that matter to you. Make sure she knows who they are and vice versa.
10. Make her a priority, not an option.
11. Movie night cuddling, instead of going out with the guys.
12. On a date: Help her with her coat. Pull out her chair. Open the door for her. Let her order her food first. Stay off your phone.
13. Back down in an argument even though she may be wrong.
14. Ask her if she's lost weight.
15. Respect her. Respect her family, respect her friends, respect her morals.
16. Slow-dance with her even if there's no music.
17. Sneak up behind her, hold her around her waist, kiss her softly on the neck and tell her you love her.
18. Support her ambition and love her flaws.
19. Walk into a room full of temptation and stay faithful.
20. Give her your hoodie when she's cold.
21. Make her feel like she's the only woman in the world.
22. Fight for her when she's ready to give up, and hold her tight when she's at her weakest.

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Gak enaknya jadi adkelas apa

-dilabrak di sosmed, ngelawan diblg sok jagoan
-banyak yg suka diblg sok cantik/ganteng
-pacaran sm kaka kls diblg nyari eksis
-deket sm kaka kls dibilang sksd
-kenal kagak dilabrak iya, karena pada sirik
-lewat2 depan koridor kaka kls diblg caper
-ngeliatin kaka kelas diblg cari masalah
-suka disinisin
-serba salah
-gaboleh melebihi mereka, kalo melebihi dibilang sok
cuih! sok hebat, sok oke

BAHAGIA ITU SAAT............

Bahagia itu saat:
- Cinta lo terbalas sama org yg lo sayang
- Seseorang blg I love you yang berarti
- Ada makanan di kulkas tanpa berkepemilikan
- Orang2 baikk semua hari itu
- Dibeliin barang yg lo idam2in dari dulu
- Ketika lo ulangtaun
- Lo ngeliat orang tua lo bangga sama lo
- Liburan setelah sekian lama sekolah
- Lo ketawa sama teman2 tersayang
- Lo diajak pergi sama temen lo
- Lo tau kalo lo punya sahabat
- Lampu merah berubah ke lampu hijau
- Bebas dari macet Jakarta yang gila
- Dapet nilai bagus di ulangan
- Diucapin 'goodnight' sm org yg berarti bgt buat lo
- Dikasih surprise sama org2 terdekat (tmn, org yg lo sayang, dan ortu)
- dtg ke konsernya cody simpson
- Chat sama seseorang special <3
- Teriak teriak di roller coaster (?)
- Ketika lo ketemu sm org yg lo sayang #bahagiaitusederhana
- Mencoba sebuah makanan untuk pertama kalinya dan rasanya ga mengecewakan

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1. namanya siapa? 2. asal dari mana? 3. SMK / SMA? *alasan masuk itu? 4. punya twitter? 5. twitter or ask.fm? 6. punya temen kaya geng gitu ga? kalo ada apa namanya?

1.clara 2.jekardah panaz buozzz 3.sma,ya karna gak ada niatan masuk smk. smk kan bisa lgsg kerja,aku sih mau kuliah dlu;-) 4.punyaa,2 malah wkwk 5.both 6.ah gua mah easy going bae,semuanya samaa :)


Language: English