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Anyone ever forces yourself to stop liking someone even when you don't want to? If so, how do you manage to do it? Its so frustrating

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yeap, been there done that. and yeah, its frusta and it really sucks.. but if you gotta do it, you gotta do it. just like try to find ways to keep your mind busy and all and not think about that person and like i know there are times where certain things you do reminds yiu of that person. just try to not think of it. like just do it for the sole purpose of wtv youre doing and not relate it to anything or anyone in anyway hahah!!!
Yes i have. Usually i would kinda listen to them at first and see why people don't want me with the person that i like. Basically looking at their perspective of ways. Then i'll decide on my own if i should continue liking that certain someone or not. :)
U dont say. Prove to them liking them will not be a mistake of urs. If u end up getting rejected by the person u liked, at least uk u have tried. Fk those ppl who want to force
well not forcing but more of trying to talk me out of it but somehow i don’t listen HAHA always until the point where all the jigsaw pieces fit tgt and I see the big picture
I know it’s frustrating becoz initially u won’t know why the other person is trying to steer you away, but trust me try to take the stand of a 3rd party , view it objectively and not let your personal feelings get in the way and you’ll understand why - there’ll always be a reason as to why the other party wants u to stop liking someone!!
it's kinda impossible to force yourself to stop liking someone especially if it's someone really close to your heart. let time do it's job
but you can distract yourself by keeping yourself very busy

Language: English