

kaiyeol hickeys

For all the fuss over Jongin's tan skin, bruises show up surprisingly easily on him, which is something Chanyeol takes advantage of, much to Jongin's chagrin. There are only so many times Jongin can brush the purpling marks on his neck off as mosquito bites before the makeup noona rolls her eyes and tells him that she's been in the industry for 7 years; he's not the first hot blooded idol around.
Luckily, she assumes he brought some overzealous fan or up-and-coming starlet home. Not-so-luckily, Chanyeol takes it as a go-ahead to be more daring in marking Jongin, sucking blooms onto Jongin every chance he gets.
Jongin doesn't exactly mind when Chanyeol has Jongin's legs splayed out around him, the older boy licking his way up the other's bare thigh, tongue warm and wet against the goosebumps popping up across Jongin's skins. He's perfectly fine when Chanyeol chooses to worship his thighs like this because as far as he knows, there are no plans to expose them anytime soon (hopefully). It took some persuading, but Chanyeol is more than happy to focus his attention on Jongin's body instead of his nape.
Chanyeol blows lightly on the tip of Jongin's cock before playfully sucking on it hard, pulling away fast enough that Jongin is left frustrated by the withdrawal of the surge of stimulation. He draws his finger nails down the inside of Jongin's thighs slowly, making Jongin writhe in anticipation. Satisfied with the whimper and whines leaving Jongin's lips, Chanyeol pulls himself up and draws the younger boy into his arms, sudden tenderness throwing Jongin off. "I want to mark you all over, but I won't." He nibbles gently on Jongin's left ear, allowing his tongue to dart inside, right where he knows Jongin is most sensitive. "But how would people know you're mine?"
Jongin blinks away the tears of frustration and clutches the back of Chanyeol's shirt, moving his hips in a desperate attempt to rub his painfully hard erection against Chanyeol's clothed tent. "Next thing you know, you'll be leaving hickeys all over my face."
Chanyeol cocks his head thoughtfully. "I wonder if that's possible..."
Chanyeol is not allowed into Jongin's room for the rest of the week.
I'M SORRY ANON I CANNOT DO SEXY SCENES. and yeah. taking a breather from more assignments.
(this should be a warning to not give me any more sexual prompts lol)

Latest answers from jq

i don't have the do not play feature yet i wish i could filter out/block some groups

apparently on spotify premium you can but i don’t have it either

Which cimb are u working at??? ><

i don't work at cimb! i let cimb hold my 3k hostage for three months for this new octopus son *^*

aren't your legs feel like burning and tired if you do standing? what's your tips for beginners?

i’ve been to like 50 standing cons i no longer feel anything 😂
1. good shoes. if you want to be taller, bring an extra comfortable pair of shoes and change it before you enter.
2. cross the straps of your tote bags and hold it on both shoulders like a backpack to distribute the weight.
3. wear shirts with sleeves because pits can be gross if your arms are brushing against others, skin on skin.
4. paper fans / electric fans make queueing easier.
5. if water is not allowed i keep mints in my bag to make me less thirsty.
6. i buy those foot and back medicinal patches and paste them on after cons if i go to two days cons.

Jq do u know if the mama albums still come with photocards?

all albums come with photocards! you just might get ex-members because production has stopped.

you’re paper_scribbles right? i noticed you don’t write anymore....

i moved to ao3! username smallorbits but yeah i dont really write anymore

Why do you always choose standing over seating?

why pay so much money to watch exo from afar? i did seating once because my friend wanted to and never again

Language: English