

lu han decides that smokey eyed sehun is his favourite sehun

lu han has never really noticed sehun. he's aware of sehun of course, likes him enough to bring him out for bubble tea and entertain the clinginess that comes whenever they're both in the same vicinity. but sehun is not jongin, all hard panes and soft whimpers. sehun is not baekhyun, small enough to fit into his arms and yet fierce enough to be dominating in bed.
as a hormonal 22 year old caged in with literally no way of release except through the power of his right hand, lu han has fantasized about most of the members, and has even tried out a short lived attempt at romance with yixing before they both ruled it out quickly. sehun though, is uncharted territory. kissing sehun would just be like kissing yixing- incest, or as he's noticed from the way their reflections in the practice rooms mirrors seem to melt into one, twincest.
so, it strikes him as a surprise when sehun stumbles into the dressing room where everyone is lounging around waiting for their turn at the album cover shoots, and the first reaction lu han has is an uncomfortable lurch of his stomach. they've all been busy enough with their individual training schedules that it has been a while since lu han has seen sehun all dressed up prettily like this.
"your hair!" jongdae bursts into obnoxiously loud laughter, screeching at the rainbow mess on sehun's head.
sehun looks embarrassed and heads over to lu han, dropping into the older boy's lap without warning and curling into lu han. lu han is so caught off guard he barely has time to blink before he's met with a mouthful of dry, colourful strands. "i don't see you making fun of lu hannie hyung's hair," sehun whines. he rakes his fingers casually through lu han's own silvery blue hair and tugs lightly, not noticing how lu han is on the verge of a panic attack.
even when they were trainees, sehun has always followed lu han like an imprinted duckling, going to him whenever he's nervous or being teased again by the other members. all this time, lu han has never thought anything about it, but now with sehun wriggling on his lap, he realizes just how much sehun has grown in the past year.
endless hours in the practice rooms has given sehun's body the volume he needed, muscles filling out where he looked too thin before. he's grown taller too, maybe an inch or two above lu han now. sehun smiles down at lu han and lu han notes how the heavy eyeliner only makes sehun's eyes even more smothering. there's a smudge of eyeliner on sehun's cheeks, probably due to sehun's bad habit of rubbing his eyes. lu han doesn't think and swipes a thumb across sehun's cheekbone, fingers faltering immediately when he catches what he just did. "something on your cheek," he mumbles to sehun's inquiring gaze.
as always, any moment has to be broken by the shortie line. "oh my god, your flirting suits our concept so much," baekhyun guffaws, earning him a high five from jongdae. "awkward high school students, indeed."
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Latest answers from jq

i don't have the do not play feature yet i wish i could filter out/block some groups

apparently on spotify premium you can but i don’t have it either

Which cimb are u working at??? ><

i don't work at cimb! i let cimb hold my 3k hostage for three months for this new octopus son *^*

aren't your legs feel like burning and tired if you do standing? what's your tips for beginners?

i’ve been to like 50 standing cons i no longer feel anything 😂
1. good shoes. if you want to be taller, bring an extra comfortable pair of shoes and change it before you enter.
2. cross the straps of your tote bags and hold it on both shoulders like a backpack to distribute the weight.
3. wear shirts with sleeves because pits can be gross if your arms are brushing against others, skin on skin.
4. paper fans / electric fans make queueing easier.
5. if water is not allowed i keep mints in my bag to make me less thirsty.
6. i buy those foot and back medicinal patches and paste them on after cons if i go to two days cons.

Jq do u know if the mama albums still come with photocards?

all albums come with photocards! you just might get ex-members because production has stopped.

you’re paper_scribbles right? i noticed you don’t write anymore....

i moved to ao3! username smallorbits but yeah i dont really write anymore

Why do you always choose standing over seating?

why pay so much money to watch exo from afar? i did seating once because my friend wanted to and never again

Language: English