

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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how did you end up stanning jongin?

slowly? i didn't like him at first because he reminded me too much of taemin and i'm not fond of taemin. i was a luhan stan and i slowly started to see the beauty in kailu. THAT'S RIGHT I STARTED STANNING JONGIN BECAUSE OF A SHIP. i am human scum.
he's exactly the opposite of everything i used to look for in a bias but i slowly grew to love his everything and appreciate the effort and hard work he puts in his work. i even like taemin now because of him. now jongin is.... i can't even describe it. the feelings are too strong to be put into words.

Hello~ I recently moved to Melbourne and still a bit lost... what places would you recommend me to visit? Places to eat with good food and affordable prices? I'm a first year uni student so low budget ㅠㅠㅠㅠ too shy to talk to you on twitter n_n thank you so much!

hi! welcome to melbourne~
ah yes, first year students. citywise, popular cheap eats include cj lunch bar (korean $6.50+, dondon (japanese $8ish+), wonder bao ($2-5), shanghai street (dumplings!) or any of the malaysian restaurants (that isn't papa rich). ferdydukre has a nice interior and $3 hot dogs every day from 12-5 (and also cheap beer but shh i didn't tell you that). most of the restaurants around swanston won't cost you more than $15 anyway.
if you're cooking, head on down to vic market (closed mondays) after 1pm to get some great discounts! trays of meat will sell at $10, bags of fruit for $2, vegetables half price... plus the borek store in the deli hall sells $3 borek!
i'll be glad to bring you around tho :3 talk to me on twitter and i'll tell you more hehe
Liked by: Khal Drogo

list down the names of ppl you already saw on your tline but you dont know who they are c:

i think you mean names that i see often on timeline but i don't follow or know personally?
hmm most of the more active fic writers because it's a pretty small community and everyone knows everyone i guess. my tlist shares a large percentage of mutual followings.

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What do you think about marriage?

i'm not sure that's my thing. a relationship makes me want to run for the hills. i want children for sure, but if i find a nice man i'd like to raise my (our?) children with that's a perk

What would you like to change?

i know i'm very dominant and it shows much more nowadays when i should be working in groups and i'm trying really really really hard to change that.

I was the butt anon but I meant his butt not he's butt oops ................. (((butt)))

haha it's alright but did you see his butt today? it was tHERE but also not there y'know?

your twitter dp reminds of live shrimp get put on a hot frying pan.. not in a good way (been meaning to tell you this u__u)


did you see the pictures of kai shopping with tao and sehun?? He's butt was invisible just how yoou like it ;)

no butt?? but butt?? butt :3

and why don't you like tao enough? persistent anon here, I know :/

oh well it's not just him. i like only my top 6 enough to ship them and i'm pretty much neutral about all the other ships. or i just don't see them in a ship, like how i can't ship any of bangtan.
but tao never appealed to me, looks or personality wise.

what is your opinion on xiukai and taokai? (idk the otp names sorry)

the only pairs i actively care about is any combination of kaikrisluyeol but i could see xiukai happening! da ge would take care of jongin and jongin would never really appreciate it until one day he sees how tender minseok is to him and slowly develops a crush??
taokai tho i'm not too keen of. i can't ship tao anything :(
Liked by: Kyuuzen

JIAQIAN YOU ARE THE SWEETEST SWEETIE PIE EVER you made my whole week with your kind and cheerful words. There is a lot of beauty in a person who knows how to see good things in everybody. I love you and thank you for your wise advice! ç

a-chan believe me when i say that you have helped me more than i can ever help you♡

why did you live in the middle of the woods? It sounds like an interesting story ;w; story time everybody!!! let's make a circle around jiaqian and listen to her

ah, my dad worked on a project about electrical power plants and travelled (still travels) into a lot of rural areas for work. it was the school holidays so my whole family tagged along for 2 months and we explored Borneo in a jeep, following my dad wherever he had to go. half the time was spent in a small apartment in the city but the other half was spent in the jungle!

What do you do to entertain yourself?

oh usually i read homoerotic fanfiction about my favourite male idols boning each other, or choking each other? and like stuffing cat tail plugs up asses or whatever. and sometimes i knit.
Liked by: Khal Drogo bluu

c- ok that was all. Thank you for reading! I know I sound like an asshole but I was just speaking too honestly about my feelings of disappointment towards myself. Can you help me to become a better and more lovely person like you? ç

you are not an asshole a-chan. a stands for adorable chan. you sound really sincere and sweet and soft enough that you'll feel hurt by hurdles, so how can a sensitive soul like you be an asshole? you are a fluffball. channel that disappointment into improving! one failed audition doesn't make you a failure, or all of us would be failures. your kpop bias would be a failure. jongin failed his first audition! and it took him FIVE years to debut. does that make him a failure?
cheer up honeyboo ♥

c- now I feel like a big loser because if I'm worse than the girl that was picked, what kind of joke am I /).= I was finally working really hard on something (dancing) and I ..failed. unless the chick was chosen bc she knows the group since long ago idk HAHAHA I'm a joke, idk how to handle failure

i'm guessing that she is closer to the group than you are? sometimes (and i speak from experience) when it comes to choosing a new member for any group, group dynamics would matter more than ability, and if she has spoken to the members before, they would have a better sense of... belonging? it IS a dance crew, where team work is more than anything. politics comes into play more than ability sometimes.
honey, this ISN'T a failure. if you thought the other girl was going to be chosen, then she's just as good, and she didn't get in. maybe they just didn't fit your style of dance (i don't know anything about dance i'm sorry). but yay for finding something you're passionate about! there's more than one dance group out there, so you could always scout around.

can you give me some advice? I'mm upset because I wanted to join this certain dance group but they chose someone else. the girl they chose isn't (objectively speaking if there's such a thing) better than me and I never saw it coming. I though another girl was going to be picked lol surpise surprise!

hello baby chan. i'm no advice master but i will attempt? to? give advice?

what thing impressed you the most about kai when you saw him irl?

just... the look on his face. he was closest to me during maxstep, barely a few feet away, and my gaze just never left him. i'm used to seeing the fire in his eyes on the screen but to see it in real life is really, really breathtaking. tbh i can't even remember much about the whole performance because i was in disbelief. the boy that i love with each ounce of my heart was right in front of me and within arm's reach. i can only remember his eyes and the powerful moves.
i almost hope that i never see jongin live again, so i can preserve a perfect memory of him.
Liked by: gres

You haven't been talking about EXO that much :( I mean, you have, but less.

yeah well it's hard to be invested in fandom when /life/. can't be bothered with fandom most days but it's a big part of my life. smaller now, perhaps.

uuumm anything that has a good/happy ending? haha ^^"

okay yeah i just looked through the masterlist and realised how little i've read lol
http://forjongin.livejournal.com/6519.html chankai
http://forjongin.livejournal.com/18575.html chenkai
adorable omg adorable??? adorableeee? jongin and jongdae bond over movie dates that aren't dates
http://forjongin.livejournal.com/16435.html chenkai
jongin delivers chicken and jongdae delivers dates. qt qt qt qt qt
http://forjongin.livejournal.com/4498.html chankai
this is not too happy but it's lovely, the world the author built and the wistfulness of it all.
http://forjongin.livejournal.com/15329.html xiukai
do you like porn? because this is wolf au porn
ah and ofc kailu http://forjongin.livejournal.com/10283.html but it's a bit sad throughout? gets better and happier!

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you're a kailu stan so i thought you'd like to know! let me know what you think of those 3 fics hehe, i like them all! :33

reading them now! their recipient hasn't replied yet so i might be a bit longwinded in my next reply so i can remember what to comment next time hehe

omg did you rly read all the forjongins? ARE THEY GOOD? :D

I AM WORKING ON IT. i'm trying to comment on every fic i read so it's taking me a while and i had a busy week. do you want me to rec a few for you? :) preferred genres? pairings?


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