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did you perhaps watch yowapeda bc you liked my answer w/ imaizumi alksdjfalkdjslf

NO SORRY I DON'T CRIES i liked it because attractive ok

Oh wow I didn't expect so much, thank you tons for all the advice! I didn't know you could get extra points for the EE- is that common? Like did you get those? O: I'm not really good at writing papers and stuff :(

no problem!! feel free to ask me anything you have in mind!!
hmm idk about common - it depends on how well you write your EE!! don't worry, your school should supply an adviser who will help along the way c: i'm sure you'll do really well! ^^

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hey!! I'm taking IB next year.... How did you do? I heard for some people English HL, Spanish SL, and Math SL were easiest (what I'm taking). Idk if I will HL in Spanish or Physics though. Any advice? Did you get points from the Extended Essay?

oh heyy! english hl, spanish sl, and math sl are some of the easier ib tests imo (took them all :3)! i also found bio sl to be quite easy c:
so the problem between physics and spanish hl is that both are apparently quite difficult - i took physics hl and it was a really bad decision (bci really suck at physics haha) because although i actually didn't fail the test (!!surprise lol) i stressed over it a lot and the entire class/test was a morale-killer for me ;; i would have definitely rather done language over physics. but i think that if you prefer physics over spanish then shoot for it!
you can get up to three extra points on your diploma for the extended essay - make sure you finish it over break between first and second year of ib so you can get more time to edit it without having to also stress over writing during school time!! and make sure that you write down all your sources and cite everything correct AS you write, and don't leave it all off until the end - you will regret it!! i didn't cite everything when i was writing so when i finished my rough draft i had to go back and find all my sources and put in over 70 footnotes in one night >: and make sure that your ee is actually a paper with an argument/evidence/explanations and the works! choose a good subject you're interested in!
the most important advice i have for ib is to stay healthy and to manage your time well! school work, no matter how important it might be to you, is NEVER more important than your health. make an effort on all your assignments, and try to do them as well as possible! your internal assessments for ib are important, so don't procrastinate and start on them the night before they're due because it will most likely lower your grade due to less time spent on them (and doing them in a state of sleep deprivation). however, sleep is VERY important and eating right and exercising are very important too! everyone loves to procrastinate (esp. me) but i learned the hard way that time management is really important - first year of ib, i barely ever slept, didn't exercise, and didn't eat properly at all, and i ended up having several breakdowns, depression, not the best grades, severe health problems, etc. but this year i've really learned to manage my time (sleeping at 10pm every night if i can, actually eating, exercising, and doing homework efficiently) and i'm now a lot happier, healthier, and i have much better grades!! i know it's really hard to manage time but i find it so much more rewarding to realize that i've done my schoolwork wayyy ahead of my classmates and so icanlaughwhiletheystruggleimeanwhat :3 but really it'll make your life so much easier if you manage your time! you don't necessarily have to sleep at 10 like i do (health problems that require sleeping early or else i'm constantly in pain >:) but sleep a reasonable number of hours (at least 7 if you can) and make sure you take care of your body! good luck and feel free to ask me any other questions!!

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and another continuation because 50 questions holy

41: When was the last time you got really really happy and why?
er don't remember i think i'm generally pretty happy these days <:
42: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
....would probably not want to remember lel
43: How do you start a conversation?
irl i'll poke people to get their attention and on social media i'll just kind people's virtual faces....orz i am sorry t__t
44: What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?
do you mean every single kpop band hmm actually i haven't really been very in the loop for exo these days i've been...watching...anime crie
45: Do you come from a family “of money?”
not really >:
46: Do you have a bucket list?
not really either >: part of me is hoping that i'm an immortal, forever young child ahah oops
47: What is your favorite series of books?
ohhh man i'll have to say mortal instruments
48: When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
??? cannot remember crie
49: Where do you go when you’re sad?
my room lol i live in my room ;w;
50: 5 random facts about yourself:
i exist, i play violin?!!?, i really like stuffed animals <:, i'm unhealthily obsessed with anime, i am actually really antisocial at times but really social at other times but mostly antisocial irl >: unless i'm being social but antisocial at the same time idek anymore
thanks for the questions they were fun to fill out!! c:

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continued from last question

18: A random memory from you childhood:
when i used to live in australia i once saw a double rainbow lmao
19: Where did you grow up?
mostly in the states, somewhat in china/not really in australia lol
20: What was the last thing you watched on tv?
i haven' years man
21: Do you think you’d make a good parent?
22: Would you like to meet any of your Tumblr friends in person?
oh yeah <: my tumblr friends are so fluffy and cute omg ;w;
22: What was the last dream you remember having?
i had a dream about meeting sehun who talked to me in surprisingly beautiful english and then we rode a bus together and sat next to each other because he was going to tokyo along with exo but my mom wouldn't let me go to tokyo with exo and everyone was sad and i ended up going home then woke up extremely confused >:
23: When is your birthday?
somewhere in the month of april c:
24: How many pillows do you sleep with?
one huhuh but (i sleep with stuffed animals)
25: Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?
yes but i usually wear contacts umm i've been wearing glasses since second grade OTL so like 10 years oh god
26: What color is your hair?
black/very dark brown lel
27: Name 5 facts about your appearance:
asian, has hair, has eyes, no missing body parts, has mouth
28: What is your favorite soda?
ginger ale all the way!! <:
29: What is a strange talent that you have?
i can...bend my toes in a weird way lol
30: How’s the weather right now?
hot and humid but cloudy and ick :|
31: Why did one of your friendships end?
32: Who do you miss right now?
not really anyone huhuhu ;__;
33: Why did your last relationship end?
this is assuming that i have had a relationship before which is...untrue lel
34: Are you still figuring out who you are?
yeah definitely >:
35: Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?
i've been admitted to the hospital so many times in my life idek anymore pls mostly for illnesses and stuff i'm kind of a sickly child cry but i've gotten a lot better this year!! <:
36: What is your favorite restaurant?
i prefer eating at home ;;
37: What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?
my name lbr
38: Would ever adopt kids?
nope u__U
39: What is your favorite kind of pizza?
as long as it has olives i'm happy <:
40: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
CAN'T BREATHE STUPID ALLERGIES GAH also i probably thought something about downloading anime lol

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aaaaaaaa OOO WHAT ANIMES?? I have so many I need to watch but alas I'm lazy as hecccck- oo! was it interesting? ...ahmg but wait! tells me you live in antarctica :c

EVERY ANIME IMAGINABLE LOL too many to count here have fun xD
it was a lot of work but a lot of free time (for watching kdrama ehe)
ofc i live in antarctica :33

; v ; our timezones are too different, it's rare for me to catch you online at the same time ;; thank you! I've almost finished all my homework, been doing it rather slow... ooo, what kind of volunteer work are you doing? ah man, if only we could halve our climates and send to each other

I'm almost never online these days though because too busy watching anime and drama LOL yay for finishing hw reminds me that I have to start mine xD I'm finished with volunteering - I was helping with this teacher's institute c:
Pls give your climate :c

it HAS been a long time!! aaaa really? why? >m< I'm alright! It's currently term break for me, but before I can probably relax I've gotta slave through my maths homework first. It's also been hecka freezing lately ! Anything interesting happen for you?

because i missed talking to you :33333 uhhuhu good luck on math!! and enjoy your break c: i'm on summer vacation (ayyy) but volunteering a lot so i'm exhausted ;w; it's too hot here for my taste T__T

hullo bluu! it's chii u v u it's been a while since we've spoken, so hello! I hope you have a good week and month and year, but aim for a good day first. <333

whaaaaaaaaaa chii HIHIHI!!! oh my gosh it has been a super long time i've been thinking of you the past few days actually *^* i'm pretty good right now! how are you? :)

How to find true love?

sleep is my true love i've already found it unfortunately i never get nearly enough of it
Liked by: papple

Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

i always get lost in the future >:

name yr fav animes! :>

a duck
homg where do i even begin
i think my ultimate favorite anime is mahou shoujo madoka magica because amazing art and concepts and everything tbh ;w; it was also my very first anime!!
SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN IS FOREVER MY IDEAL ANIME TBH lots of blood and fighting and cool music and things ehe if only there was slightly more romance u__u i actually like the manga more than the anime but that's because the manga goes a lot further as of now <:
code geass is super good esp season 2 i actually still can't think of certain events in season 2 without tearing up slightly ;w;
ouran high school host club is amazing hehe i usually don't like shoujo but ouran high school host club?!!?!??! yes?!?!?!!?!?!?
anohana made me cry a lot ;__; there are little details in it that make everything so well developed and realistic in some parts (and really unrealistic in other parts but oh well) ><
for currently airing animes i really like selector infected WIXOSS, haikyuu!! and mekakucity actors !! i haven't relaly watched that many animes huhuhuh need to watch more c:

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Have a nice day! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

and i get sparkles too >w< thank you so much! <3 have a nice day too!

you like mayday parade too!!! I'm so happy <3

yeah yeah!! i love the lyrics and the voices and the music everything is always so perfect ;w;

English is preferred! :D

oh gosh i do not really listen to english songs xD but mayday parade is one of my favorite bands! and i love ed sheeran uhhh thatsaboutitlol
Liked by: ren

Recommend me some artists to listen to?(:

hmm i have so many huhu kpop? english? jpop? classical music? which genre do you prefer? ^__^

Last book you read? Thoughts on that book? Rating? (Out of 5)

Chibister Kim-Woo
the last book i read was hear the wind sing by haruki murakami! it was a really nice read and i liked the writing style a lot :) i'd give it a 4/5 since nothing really special really stuck out to me as a great masterpiece, but it was very nice to read :D
Liked by: Chibister Kim-Woo

were you a popular kid at school or a loser

uhu no one is a loser u__u hmm tbh the bubble in my school i'm in doesn't really have a super extreme, polarized popular/not popular side everyone is pretty nice to everyone else and we all talk to each other so we're pretty much all chingus most of the time so no one's really unpopular? at least in my classes but i /am/ in a bubble of certain classmates and i don't really interact with a lot of the school because gifted program orz


Chibister Kim-Woo
I'M NOT SURE (i haven't been on neopets for a year though so i don't even remember what my account is T_T)

Do you have any games you play online? If so, which ones? Recommend me some, too? :O

Chibister Kim-Woo
i spend a majority of day playing candy crush and tetris and mousehunt on facebook xD but hmm runescape is a mmorpg game i used to play (kind of still play not really i think i’ve give up on it) and there’s always league of legends which i will start once i get my own laptop and go to college so the parental units won’t bother me about playing games and my laptop will ACTUALLY PROPERLY INSTALL LEAGUE BECAUSE IT CURRENTLY REFUSES TO xD
Liked by: Chibister Kim-Woo


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