

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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[1] "sorry," jongin mutters when he hit someone behind him with his elbow as he tried to scoot back further inside the train carriage, now packed to the brim because of the peak hour.

[3-13] jongin almost reels back in shock when he looks up to the other person, taking in her fair unmarred skin, big round eyes looking back at him from underneath her oversized glasses. but jongin jolts in shock once again when someone pushes him and separates him from the girl.
jiaqian bites her bottom lip shyly, thinking of the adorable tanned boy earlier, now blocked from her view by some guy in a business suit. jiaqian turns to face the pole thinking about the way soft brown hair falls just above his eyes as he looks at her and before she knows it jiaqian is absently rubbing her tummy at the spot he hit her earlier. jiaqian shakes her head and is about to take her phone out of her pocket when she feels as though it's getting smaller in the train.
the guy in the suit is standing way too close for comfort and jiaqian is trapped, facing the pole in the middle of the carriage and people all around. she knows that it's normal to be sandwiched because of the crowded train but she starts to panic because of the crowded train but she starts to panic because it seems as though there's something hard poking against her butt. the people around her don't seem to notice and jiaqian is too afraid to address the person behind her, in case it is just paranoia on her part and she also do not want to attract any attention. jiaqian tries to move forward a little more but the guy behind her seems to close the small gap she's made and it's freaking her out now.
jongin watches as the guy who pushed him stands a little too close to the girl earlier, despite the space available between jongin and the guy. he figures that the guy is just making space for more people to enter when a slight roll of the guy's hips forward catches his attention.
jongin realises what the guy is trying to do and without thinking, he squeezes past other passengers and places himself in between the guy and the girl, pushing the guy away, glaring at him. jongin looks at the girl in front of him now, she's shaking slightly, hands closed in a fist by her side before he taps her shoulder softly. she jumps slightly before turning to look at him and he smiles softly at the way her eyes open widely when she notices him. "sorry, i umm- are you ok?" "y-yeah. i...t-thanks."
she turns around and it's adorable the way she's biting her lips as she looks up at him shyly but suddenly more people are getting on at this stop and jongin is being pushed forward against her. jongin quickly extends his left arm out to hold the pole behind her, using it as a support so that he doesn't crush her and leaving some space in between them. he didn't want her thinking he's just like the guy earlier. jiaqian notices the way her saviour is trying to maintain a distance and she flushes, realising how close they are even if they're not touching
"jongin," he holds out his right hand and jiaqian pauses before accepting it. "hi i'm jiaqian." /end/

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Luhan is on a mission to protect Kai's family jewels.

when jongin wakes up, he feels a heavy weight on him. no, he realizes when he stands up, the weight isn't exactly on him, but rather- "WHAT THE FUCK?"
in the next room, a similar scream rocks the dorm.
"let me get this straight," joonmyun says slowly, trying to comprehend the situation. they handled waking up to luhan with boobs just fine. they survived kris and tao switching bodies. they will survive this. "you and sehun.... switched dicks?"
jongin doesn't reply, because he's too busy being fascinated by the sudden growth in his groin. sehun has to reply instead. he tries to keep the distress out of his voice but the shakiness of his voice gives him away. "i woke up and reached down for a morning jerk, you know, and i felt- i felt-" he breaks off, a traumatized sob escaping him. luhan reaches off and sympathically rubs his back. sehun takes a deep breath to compose himself and whispers, "i felt nothing."
"hey!" jongin cries, thoroughly insulted. "i'm not small. /you're/ the one that's abnormal." he pokes at his dick- sehun's dick on his own body, actually, and says in wonder, "it's like a tumour. are you sure we shouldn't get this checked?"
sehun reaches down and grabs his crotch, letting out another sob. "it can fit in my hand. this has never happened before." before he can do anything else, luhan swoops down to bat sehun's hand away.
"no," luhan says firmly, catching sehun's hand in his. "this is jongin's dick. and while it's on you, you have to treat it right. no hurting what's mine."
jongin looks starry-eyed. "my hero~"
sehun tries not to hurl.
anon! I BET YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THIS. i will continue this some other time! there are lots of Fun Times and Confusion, as you can expect. also this is totally chintsubu (penis-kun~♥) au.

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Liked by: Rochelle

u should write tao/reine fic

tao eyes reine coolly from across the table. "okay bitch, lay down some ground rules."
reine rolls her eyes and clacks her finger nails on the table, looking too bored. "it's just a drinking competition. twenty shots, first one to finish and still count to ten wins."
"twenty-?!" tao shoot her an alarmed look. "don't you think-"
"if-" reine cuts him off. "you think you can't handle it, you're always welcome to admit defeat..."
"i was just worried about you," tao recovers quickly and smirks. "you have less body mass. alcohol travels through the bloodstream faster in a petitie container."
reine narrows her eyes. "fuck you, that's a low blow."
"yeah, /low/ blow." tao stops snickering when reine gets down on her knees to demonstrate what a TRUE low blow is.
xoxo hug & kiss, reine

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baekyeol in which they were lost, and they're arguing over the good old “we have a map, we don’t need directions” and “we should totally ask for directions, you suck at reading maps”. pls?

"this is all your fucking fault," baekhyun whines with his arms crossed.
"look, all i wanted was some food. you were the one who insisted to stop at every damn crossroad," chanyeol snaps back.
"if we just asked for directions-"
"WE HAVE A MAP," chanyeol grits out, waving the now crumpled paper in baekhyun's face.
"yeah? anyone can read a map, but apparently not you." baekhyun refuses to even look at chanyeol now, peering at the ground for any of the tell tale footstep trails instead.
"anyone includes you, you know," chanyeol says, annoyed. "like i said, if you didn't get distracted by the pretty lights-"
"FUCK YOU. WE SHOULD'VE WENT FOR MCDONALDS INSTEAD. last i heard, ikea's meatballs have horse meat." with that, baekhyun throws their shopping list at chanyeol's face and stomps off.
"another one gone," jongdae observes, chewing on the tip of his pencil thoughtfully.
joonmyun shakes his head sadly and adjusts the "Hi, welcome to Ikea!" name tag on his chest. "they should make a warning sign in front of ikea. there's something about the colourful, compact reminders of /commitment/ that makes couples freak out."
jongdae shrugs. "at least they soften the blow by giving everything cute swedish names."

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sehuna sucking jongin's dick in a mos burger :| <3 do it bitch

"how are you liking the burger? is it moist enough?" sehunna asks casually, carefully unwrapping the still warm burger with one hand and holding it out to jongin.
jongin glares at sehunna incredulously but obliges, taking a tiny bite of the burger.
sehunna flutters her eyelashes innocently and points at the side of jongin's lip. "ah, you have some crumbs there. jongin, do you want me to wet some tissue for you?"
jongin desperately tries not to choke around the morsels of food in his mouth. he grits his teeth and breathes out slowly. "you are fucking impossible."
"no, jongin." sehunna smiles, "you are fucking me. so shh, keep it down."
"all good here, guys?" joonmyun, ever the helpful worker, stops by and grins at them, a tray balanced in his arms.
"s'all good," sehunna replies cheerfully, not betraying the fact that she has jongin's hand pressed to her panties, forcing his fingers under the thin silk and into her. "jongin was just saying how the burgers were perfectly moist."
"it just, mmmm," sehunna moans softly, drawing a confused look from joonmyun. "hits the right spot."
jongin crooks his fingers and adds another, deciding to play along. if sehunna wants this, she's getting it.
"yeah, joonmyun!" jongin chimes in, flashing a mega watt smile at joonmyun, "it's just bangin'"
"o..kay, guys. glad to see you're passionate about burgers!" joonmyun gives them a nod and heads off to serve his burgers.
"hey, jongin?" sehunna purrs once joonmyun is out of hearing distance. "i hear that the mos burger in bangkok serves sausages."
later, joonmyun looks questioningly in the direction of the bathroom. "huh, the queue is awfully long today- oh wait, jongin never finished his burger?"
changed your prompt around a bit. deal with it reine queen bitch

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do you photoshop your photos? i believe you do.

i don't even own photoshop but sometimes i use line to get rid of my dark eye circles.
Liked by: kassie. ♡

where can i get an mp3 rip of those remixes :O

ask again non-anon or send me your twitter un and i'll upload the links for you?

What is the most played song in your music library?

i am ashamed to say, the top 4 are all the different remix versions of mama

now i am imagining hot jongQhun ot3 whoops


it's okay i will make sure sehun makes it onto the boat as well

only so we can push him off the boat together



who is your secret bias?

dare i say it .... oh .... se.... hun? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME CRIES WHY HAVE I FALLEN TO THIS STATE. HE WAS MY #12 !!!!
Liked by: R

which kpop idol do you admire the most?

that's a tough question. i really admire all idols, even the ones i don't like, because they have more drive than i ever had. if i had to pinpoint one, it'll by hyukjae. he is one of the most hardworking idols i've ever seen, and he remains so genuine and grounded even today. he doesn't come off as jaded or conceited, and is always sincere in his performances.

a pet you've always wanted to raise?

i've wanted a pet ferret ever since i could remember. when i was 8 i checked for the prices of ferrets (it was RM500 then) and tried to save up for it, but my mom told me no :( i reaaaally want a pet alpaca. i think about two years back i went insane over them and bookmarked a whole list of alpaca breeders.
i'm so dumb u___u for a more reasonable answer, i want a pet iguana or sugar glider

what was your most enjoyable concert?

i'm tempted to say smtown, which really, will be the best concert i'll ever attend. that defining moment when i saw exo live, and had shinee right in front me, and krystal wave at me, yunho wink at me. the soshi girls were gorgeous and kyuhyun hung around my area a lot.
but once i remove the shine of seeing them all in one place, i have to admit it wasn't that great? except for shinee, no one put an effort into performing. just like MAMA SG /should/ have been great, with the star studded cast but no, it was fantastic, just not the best.
i think ss2 would be the most enjoyable full length concert for me. i've been to 27 concerts/showcases, but ss2 will forever be the most special.

do you have any particularly feminine habits?

i love heels? idk i'm not really girly - don't like fashion or makeup and i skimp on all my beauty routines (which consists of one, really: a shower). but i adore pretty little dresses. and um i spazz over boys on a daily basis. then again everyone can spazz over boys regardless of gender. ah, i like taking selcas. is that a feminine thing?

What was the last CD you bought?

this year i bought Epik High's 99, Glen Check's Haute Couture, Boyfriend's Janus, and 10cm's 2.0 (one of these is not like the other).
Liked by: chiharu

any wips you're excited about! :D

nope! not going to write anything but runandgun for the next few months. taking a break~

How do you know when you're in love?

when you want to knee him in the crotch but also lick him in the crotch and worship the crotch because the owner of that crotch will be the father of your babies.
Liked by: moisola♥


Language: English