

Ask @kaihanbitches

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how to read ur locked fics? im rly interested

hello~ to read locked fics I have to be the one that adds you as a friend on lj but I am going to class right now so I cannot immediately check right now ^^

Is there someone in your life right now?

Always if I know u then u r in my life obviously /insert emoji for peace sign and sparkles

do you have instagram? what's your instagram?

i have instagram! please go off anon for it UuU it's personal and not exo related but it's not locked

do you have Tumblr/Twitter/askfm/LJ/anything crush?

tumblr I use more for food blogging use and so I don't have too many friends so n/a
I'm going to group ask.fm, livejournal, and Twitter together because they are mostly all the same people
I guess my crush would be exie, ebie, bianca, and candace? Idk if you mean like crush crush but I definitely talk to them more than average people and also I don't have too many guy friends @////@
Liked by: booze exie

Also can you please tell me why you're asking me all these questions about exohet. WHATS YOUR HEAD CANON. TOP SHIP. OTP. SEX POSTION OK GO

Bee Jay
no i can't. even. understand myself. but i like it. headcanon: everyone is a really nice girl. top ship: maybe baekyeol idk maybe otp: isn't that top ship or is top ship like seme ship because in that case it's probably.... sekai now? chanhun? sex position: riding position or maybe against a wall or maybe vertical splits or spooning horizontal sex or maybe with ankles over head
Liked by: booze

my toothpaste has flouride and my teeth don't like apples bUT ITS OKAY because my body doesn't like apples anyway. STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT.

Bee Jay
but bianca/apple juice otp :(

him making sure that their young master wasn't harm in anyway. by the time joonmyun remembers the strange doctor in the room he was already on the carriage, on the way home. he wonders as he looks out the window, "will i see him again?"

Thank you anon? Like I don't know how I'm supposed to feel right now? Is there more? I HONESTLY DONT KNOW HOW IM SUPPOSED TO FEEL but there is no more so thank you for this I guess????

familiar calls of "young master". "Go, it seems that your servants had came back for you." minseok says, voice clam and colledted as always. joonmyun nods again and rushes out to meet his servant, glad to be out of the vicinity of a corpse. his young lady servant fussed over him a soon as she spots

Youngggggg mastarrrrrr

look of a corpse. "jotting down my findings," minseok grunts, "now if you please stop wiht the questions? I'm working here." joonmyun nods, unaware that minseok can't see him. joonmyun's legs strats to tire after a while standing, with nothing to do but he hears footsteps outside the room and the


'what's your name?' joonmyun tries after awhile, picking at the paper window out of boredom. "Minseok, Kim Minseok." The doctor answers, the sound of paper crinkling as the background. "What are you doing right now?" joonmyun asks, stomping on the thought to turn around when he remembers the morbid

Silk robed doctor Minseok ok ok

lodged in the dead general's neck. A spurt of blood followed, landing on the collar of the doctor, staining the white silk crimson. joonmyun felt sick in his stomach, the little bits of food in his stomach forcing their way up. "face the wall and don't look." the doctor instructs, joonmyun complies.

???????? ???!!!!??!!?!!


Language: English