

Ask @confusedmuse


What is your most unusual nighttime or morning ritual?

I have to lay in my bed for at least an hour to wake up. It makes no sense, but the rest of my day gets messed up if I don't do that.

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

Usually just stare at the wall. I typically sleep like a rock though.

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

A 4 maybe? I'm okay with some songs at karaoke, but I'm not very good.

What books on your shelf are begging to be read?

Literally all of them, the only books I've read for the last several months have been for school. T_T

What are you going to school for?

Answering this late because school has consumed all of my time lately, ha ha. (I am so sorry!)
I'm almost done with a Masters in Creative Writing, and I'll be graduating in June. The Masters lets me teach writing at a college level, but since those positions are hyper-competitive I'm also applying to a teaching credential program to a get a Single Subject English credential. Hopefully I'll start that next fall. Basically, I want to teach writing, and I'm using school as a means to that end.

What makes figure collecting so fun and how do you manage expenses every month?

I'm a collector at heart, so it was something that was bound to happen eventually. I also love the attention to detail and accuracy in the high-end scales and the silly things you can do with articulated figures. It's another extension of the imagination, I think, showing your love for these characters and bringing them into your world in a sense.
As for expenses, I have an elaborate Excel spreadsheet that has everything I need to pay for every month, and then what's left over goes towards figures/cosplay/saving for AX. There's an upper limit to this so that I don't go overboard. I also have a personal rule that if I don't have the money already, I'm not allowed to preorder. This has saved me in cases where figures get delayed, and then I'm not in debt over my hobby. It's a balancing act, but it's worked out so far.

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How do you find the time to watch anime and do your other hobbies, while working and going to school? I worked 24 hours a week and had 40 hours a week of clinical rotations while watching 15 shows a week, and I'm glad those days are past me.

Crazy amounts of scheduling. I've also taken to marathoning things on weekends, which is where most of my free time is right now. I'm following about 13 currently airing shows, but I'm not watching all of them every week. That's why I had to stop episodic blogging, since aside from a small handful of shows I'm getting to new episodes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks after it aired. I just take the free time when I can and don't get overly concerned about being completely up-to-date on everything.
That said, I'll be really glad when it's summer and I won't have to worry about school and work for a few months.

Since you're so busy, why don't you write small summaries on your thoughts for shows? Like one or two sentences. At the vary least it can get some discussion going. (Says the person who doesn't know how much time you have.)

I've been thinking about doing that weekly or bi-weekly, but I haven't found a format for it that I like yet. If I only have short things to say about something, I tend to go to Twitter than write up a post about it.

So now getting an Ask.fm account is the big thing nowadays? Is this is what it's come down to Muse?!?

Apparently?! I feel like I'm late, to be honest.

Language: English